🦋💜Chapter One💜🦋

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TW: Graphic Nightmare

'Night Julie!' I called to my social worker, getting into my bed. Tomorrow was my first day at Middle School and I wanted to sleep early. Well, what I really wanted to do was have parents who didn't torture me and mutilate me to have powers and a goddess form, but we can't have everything we want.

I was starting halfway through eighth grade, which sucked. But at least I wasn't where I was eight years ago, when I had parents who tortured m-I've already done that bit.

At least I was gonna make a friend, my old SEN middle school was so small, it was basically only me and some girl with ADHD. She was nice, but she was the type of person who licked her blood, and I got a whole stupid trauma thing, anyways, I was in an SEN school bcuz of my anxiety, but then the school got closed, so I haven't been learning for a while.

But now that I've been pulled off the waiting list for Kennedy Prep, halfways through my final year, I'm off to a great start! I was thinking about this, my eyes closed, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Slowly losing consciousness.
Falling asleep...

I woke up and I was hanging from the ceiling by my wrists, looking around. I realised that I was in my parents basement and started struggling to get free. I was suddenly aware of a horrible stinging pain in my stomach. I looked down and realised why: My organs were exposed. I struggled harder, when I heard footsteps coming into the basement. My mother. She chuckled slyly. 'Welcome home, Dillon...' She snarled. sharping a hook and gently putting it in my mouth. She suddenly started pulling. Pulling. Harder, harder, harder. I couldn't scream, I was more awake than ever but I couldn't breathe. My stomach and my mouth were in intense pain...

I woke up in a cold sweat, but sweat wasn't the only damp thing in my bed. I suddenly realised. 'Goddamnit! Not this again!' I whispered, going to the bathroom and getting clean. I had a horrible bed-wetting problem, so embarrassing for a fourteen year old, I know. I got changed and went back to my bed. Wait, that was wet too, crap. I sighed, got an extra duvet and pillow from the airing cupboard and slept downstairs on the sofa. The orphanage's dog, Lucy followed me in. I got myself comfortable and she jumped up next to me, licking my wrist. I stroked her gently before turning around and finally going to sleep.

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