Episode 0: To the Rescue!

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Once again, we pan into the Time Patrol, which is just after Towa and Mira's previous attack. The Elder Kai and Supreme Kai of Time are recollecting what just happened. 

Elder Kai: Phew, we managed to close all the rifts that Towa had opened. 

Trunks: Yeah, any later, then it would have all been for nothing 

Supreme Kai of Time: Kinda Glad that Gotuce and the others were here at the time of the attack. 

She says this before looking at a group of figures standing in the dirt path. 

A Namekin, known as Armon, was meditating. 

A Frost Demon was tapping his foot impatiently. 

Polaro: Well? Have you found him yet? 

Armon: Not yet. With all the chaos that had transpired earlier, it's hard to pinpoint Gotuce's location with Towa and Mira in mind. 

Wryce: Maybe we could cover more ground if we split up? 

Polaro: What ground! We all saw Gotuce enter through that Portal Mira opened! Who knows what might've happened to him! 

Wryce: Why do you seem so adamant in finding Gotuce? 

Polaro: Because he's the only one to rival me in POWER! 

In that yell, Polaro turned Golden. 

Wryce winces back from the sheer power Polaro is emitting before Polaro abruptly turns back. 

Polaro: Huh? What the? 


Polaro: Alright Geez! Supreme Kai of Time: Well, whatever it was, We can't afford to lose our most powerful Patroller! Mira and Towa could return any second now! Armon was still meditating before putting more ki into his senses. 

Armon: I. . . . . I think I feel something. 

Polaro: What! Really! 

Wryce: Is it Gotuce? 

Armon: No!. . . . . .Mabye? It's tough to see when it keeps fading in and out. 

Elder Kai: Hmm. . . .Fading in and out, you say? 

Armon: Yes! What do you happen to know, Elder Kai?

Elder Kai: Yes. . . . . and I'm afraid it's worse than I feared. 

Polaro: Well, spit it out, old man. 

Elder Kai: It appears to be that Mira and Gotuce are fighting in a Time Rift.

Supreme Kai of Time: What! We would've been alerted to it now! 

Elder Kai: Whatever it is, it's concealing their energy to the point of being unrecognizable. 

Supreme Kai of Time: Oh No! If that's the case, we'll lose Gotuce forever! We need to send someone there! 

Armon: We can't! We need every patroller here! 

Trunks: Armon's right. We can't afford to lose more patrollers in case Towa comes back! 

Polaro: Then What do we do?

Wryce: What. . . . . if you send someone with a weaker power level into the roft? 

Supreme Kai of Time: If we do that. . . . . .then Mira won't sense it! You're a genius, Wryce! 

Wryce: Heh! Heh! 

Elder Kai: Which is why we are sending you to the rift. 

Wryce: What!? 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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