Enchanted Night

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Life is full of desired dreams, but as for me, I never really thought of dreaming higher than what I have and what I am today. Why?

Well, let me tell you.

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Josiah, a normal student during the day and a café staff at night. Making and serving coffee and bread during the night and not so clever student during the day. Yup! That's definitely me.

I never really thought of running away from my current life status. I mean, where else can I go? I don't have my parents anymore. My mom is gone, my dad is gone, and I'm just an only child—until now that Aunt Amanda and her two annoying sons are here.

You see, my parents had me in the middle of their teenage years, way too young. And because of that, my mom died while delivering me. I never got the chance to see her, touch her, hug her, or talk to her. My dad used to tell me that she was wonderful, smart, pretty, and that I am just like her.

I doubt that, though.

I lived my life with only my dad and his business for 17 years until he met Aunt Amanda. He fell in love, they got married, and so she had to move into our house and live with us along with Jayson and Tamer, of course.

Everything was perfect before. I was happy for my dad and for having a complete family, something I never experienced while growing up. But then one day, he got busy. Busy with business, busy with his new wife, busy with Jayson and Tamer, busy with everything except for me. I felt neglected. I felt deep-seated. But it was fine. At least he didn't totally abandon me. He always grabbed a chance to make it up to me—that's what I thought.

“Where are you going? Why are you packing, Dad?” I asked, full of curiosity. Dad looked at me and stopped for a while.

I walked near him. He gently grabbed both of my hands and smiled tiredly.

“I'm going on a quick trip, amore,” he stated almost in a whisper.


He nodded. “I have an important meeting with a client—in New York.”

“New York?”

“Yes. Now, I want you to promise me. Be a good princess to your mom and to your brothers,” he said, looking directly into my eyes.

I wanted to ask more, but I just nodded. “Okay,” I answered slowly.



The day I let him leave was the day I regretted letting him go. He left me—permanently, just like my mom. And that's when everything fell off my shoulders. That's when my nightmare started. Aunt Amanda became a person I couldn't recognize at all. She changed—a lot. From a pure delicate Maria Clara to a stained red witch. My stepbrother Tamer started meddling with everything I do, and his brother Jayson became as annoying as a rat.

My life as a princess in my dad's care officially ended. From being a princess to a maidservant, it happened real quick. Waking up in the morning with breakfast in my bed, dancing and singing freely in our sala, studying without any hassle, and enjoying my time with no restrictions are now just distant dreams. Instead, I wake up to a noisy ringing bell, indicating that I must start multitasking in the morning. I'm now responsible for cleaning every inch of our wide sala, kitchen, and even each room in the house. I have to study while facing another chore, and I have an early curfew whenever I leave the house. It's astonishing how everything has turned out to be so awful.


I nearly jumped in panic when I heard Stephanie's booming voice. I blinked twice and found her standing right in front of me.

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