Chapter 9 (Starts to make its way to me)

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"Aya, do girls like you- still enjoy flowers and chocolates?" Tamer's sudden question startled me, causing me to turn and look at him while he concentrated on the road. It was unexpected, and I couldn't help but wonder why he was bringing up such a topic.

"And, is there a specific brand of chocolates you prefer? Like Ferrero? Dairy Milk? or something with almonds?" he continued, catching me off guard with his inquiries.

The conversation felt strange, not because Tamer rarely delved into such discussions or asked about my preferences, which were usually unusual. It was odd because it led me to pause and reflect on what truly mattered to me, what I genuinely liked, and what material possessions appealed to me.

Since my father's passing, I had buried these thoughts deep within me. The desire for a collection of acoustic guitars, fueled by my passion for music, remained unspoken. The only person who understood this part of me was now a distant memory.

Thinking about his question, though, I just realized that flowers and chocolates held no significance to me.

They had never been a part of my world.

Without saying a word, I shook my head quietly and turned my attention to the window beside me. The sunshine beamed outside, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Luckily, Tamer's car boasted a well-functioning air conditioning system.

"I need an answer, Aya. Can you help me out?" Tamer's voice broke the silence, causing my brows to knit together.

His tone was far from that of an uncooperative teenager. "Well..." I hesitated, reminiscing about the flower shop near the mini-mart. The vibrant sunflowers that always adorned the entrance never failed to catch my eye.

"Sunflower," I finally vocalized to complete my thought.

"Sunflower?" Tamer repeated, causing me to nod slightly. "Yup," I confirmed.

"What about chocolates?"

His question prompted an immediate shake of my head. Sweet treats were not my preference. "I'm not a fan of chocolates, Tamer."

He fell into a moment of silence, appearing lost in his thoughts, and I found myself glancing back at him. His expression resembled that of a man consumed by deep contemplation.

"Why the sudden interest in these things?" The words, intended as a mere thought in my mind, slipped out of my mouth, puncturing the contemplative bubble that had enveloped us.

He met my gaze before shaking his head and clearing his throat. "Nothing. I was just curious-You know Jai?"

Jai? Wasn't he the companion Tamer was always seen with in the dining area, sharing laughter and jovial moments? Tamer had introduced me to his friends before, not due to my significance in knowing his circle, but rather to have someone in mind to contact in his absence.

"He courted this Engineering girl and presented her with roses and chocolates, but he got dumped," he disclosed.

"Because of the flowers and chocolates?" I inquired, prompting his attention to shift towards me. "Seems like it," he replied, swiftly steering the car to a stop and pulling over.

I hadn't realized we had already reached home.

"Girls nowadays are unpredictable," he mumbled as he exited the car, leaving me inside after uttering those words.

I casually shrugged off my seatbelt, slid out of the car, and heard the familiar sound of the trunk opening, followed by a soft beep. I moved swiftly to gather the plastic bags containing the groceries, only to find them missing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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