At Her Feet

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The wind was blowing freely and rustling through the leaves of the Gardenia trees. The moon was beaming just above the tree as if trying to have a peak at the divinity of Kailash. Even the snow couldn't retain its cold in front of the warmth of love that was radiating from the first lovers of the universe. Unfastened by the wind, a few flowers dropped near the red-painted palms of the daughter of the Mountain who played with them and stared longingly at the activities of her partner.

Shiva put the hot water on her feet once more and rubbed them with his own hands. Reason? This is what he had said to his wife.

"You work too much and rarely take care of yourself. Busy looking after everyone, you often forget about yourself. So today, you will sit here quietly and let me pamper you."

Parvati had laughed inwardly as if he didn't do it already every day but she didn't say anything and let him do what he wanted and this is how they ended up here. With Parvati sitting on the snowy ground and Shiva at her feet, taking the lotus pair in his lap and massaging them.

As she looked at him diligently caressing her tired feet, a sly smile appeared on her lips. When looked up, he saw her smiling.

"What are you smiling at, darling?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing" She replied. "I was just thinking.... How you take care of me, wash, massage and adorn my feet. If anyone in the world comes to know that my husband serves at my feet, what will they say?"

Shiva raised an eyebrow, "And why would I care what will they say? I'm taking care of my wife. It's my duty as a husband. And if Lakshmi can sit at Vishnu's feet out of love, then why can't I do the same for my wife?"

Parvati hummed in response.

"It is from your perspective. Not everyone thinks like that you know. Not everyone is like my Shiva who puts his Shakti to the highest respect."

"And it's on us, Uma to set an example. To change the world, it's our responsibility."

Parvati didn't say anything and sat comfortably in each other's silence. A few moments later, it was Shiva who first broke the quietude.

"Can I ask something from you?"

Parvati was surprised that Shiva was actually asking for something.

"Yes Mahadev. What can I do for you?"

"Will you give me a place under your feet, my darling?"

Parvati's surprise grew even more.

"What? You, Devon ke Dev Mahadev are asking for a place under my feet? What kind of humor is this?"

"I'm not joking, Uma. And what did I ask wrong? The entire world receives divine knowledge by taking refugee under your feet, then why should this Shiva be devoid of that divine enlightment. Anyways, you are the Shakti that breathes life into this corpse and makes me Shiva. Tell me, will you fulfill my wish?"

Parvati couldn't remove her eyes from her soulmate. She couldn't believe that she could love him more but there she was, falling in love with him even more. The Shiva, whom the world worships to be the Supreme, was asking to be under her feet. Giving her the highest form of respect, he proved his immense love for her once more. A small tear watered under her eyeline as she felt her heart getting full. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Alright. If this is what you want then I promise you that in some of my forms, you will be under my feet."

Shiva smiled widely. He gently placed his hands on his and said, "It doesn't matter when and where, I'll always have you near my heart, my love. You are a part of my body, my soul."

Parvati slowly leant forward and kissed Shiva's forehead. He smiled and went back to painting her lotus feet with red Alta as the wind-god made the trees shower flowers on the couple engrossed in each other.

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