part 29

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The next morning, Ethan woke up, his cheeks flushing as he remembered the events of the previous day with Davis. Checking his phone, he saw a message from his parents, informing him of their imminent arrival.

Quickly, Ethan nudged Davis awake, the anticipation of his parents' visit fueling his movements. As he attempted to rise from the bed, a twinge of pain shot through his lower back, causing Davis to stifle laughter. "Oh, need a little more rest, huh? I don't remember being the one screaming last night ....oh Davis .. give me more," Davis teased, mockingly.

"I never said that "

"Really....fuck me already... you didn't say that too??"Davis said laughing

Ethan retaliated by tossing a pillow at Davis, "I'm not the one with the monster cock " ethan said as the two engaged in a playful pillow fight before deciding to head to the bathroom together for a shower.

In the shower, they shared intimate moments, washing each other's bodies and exchanging tender touches. The warmth of the water and the closeness they shared eased Ethan's nerves about his parents' impending visit.

After drying off, they made their way to the kitchen, working together to prepare breakfast. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they moved around the kitchen, their laughter and easy camaraderie adding to the warmth of the morning.

As Ethan heard the doorbell ring, he knew it must be his parents. "Looks like it's time to make things official,"

"What do you mean "

"Wait and see"he said to Davis, planting a quick kiss on his lips before heading to the door. With a deep breath, he opened it, welcoming his parents inside.

They all settled down in the living room, sipping on coffee as they exchanged pleasantries. After a long silence, Ethan's father spoke up. "Now that the culprit has been caught, it's time for things to return to normal. Either you return to your previous house, or Mrs. Meyer and the other employees will come back here, and your former bodyguards will resume their duties. There's no need for Davis to work anymore."

Ethan's heart sank at the thought of Davis leaving, but he couldn't bear the idea of parting ways. "I don't want any other employees, Davis can stay," he asserted, gripping Davis's hand tightly.

His father seemed taken aback by Ethan's declaration. "You never wanted him as your bodyguard before. But now that the threat is gone, there's no need for him to stay," he reasoned.

But Ethan stood firm. "I won't let that happen, Papa. Davis is a part of my life now. We're together, and I don't care about the inheritance anymore. Alex can have it all. I just want to love him."

His mother smiled warmly, her eyes filled with pride. Ethan glanced between his parents, his heart pounding in his chest. After a long silence, they both burst into laughter.

"We knew that already. I told your father about it," his mother admitted.

"I was waiting for you to tell me, but you didn't. So, I wanted to make you tell me. I want to be a good father from today onward. You can be whoever you want, and I don't care," his father declared, his voice filled with love and acceptance. "And as for the company, you're my son. You're getting it."

"And about Jedidiah,I have spoken to her about your relationship, and she said she noticed it too and that she is going to back oof "

"What about the contract "

"Don't worry about that,I will take care of that "he winked.

Tears welled up in Ethan's eyes as he embraced his parents tightly, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and acceptance wash over him. After a lot of heartfelt conversations and laughter, they bid farewell and left the house, leaving Ethan and Davis to bask in the warmth of their newfound freedom and love.

As they sit together, bathed in the warm glow of the evening light filtering through the windows, Davis speaks softly, breaking the comfortable silence that envelops them.

"I never expected you to come clean to your parents about us, Ethan," Davis admits, his voice tinged with surprise and gratitude.

Ethan turns to him, his eyes filled with sincerity. "You were too good to be my secret, Davis," he replies earnestly, reaching out to take Davis's hand in his own. "I couldn't bear the thought of hiding what we have any longer. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Davis's heart swells with emotion at Ethan's words, his gaze locking with Ethan's as he squeezes his hand gently. "And you're everything to me, Ethan," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "I love you more than words can express."

They sit together in silence for a moment, the weight of their shared feelings hanging in the air between them. Then, Ethan leans in, pressing a soft kiss to Davis's lips, a silent promise of their love and commitment to each other.

Wrapped in each other's arms, they revel in the warmth of their embrace, knowing that together, they can face whatever challenges lie ahead. As they drift off to sleep, their hearts beat as one, filled with hope and anticipation for the future they will build together.

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