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Dariyah groaned as her alarm rang for the 5th time. She lazily reached to her bedside table as she turned off the ringing of her alarm on her phone. She went back to her sleep but shouted in anger as her phone started ringing again but only this time it was because someone was calling.

She begrudgingly picked up her phone to check who it was before accepting it and turned on the speaker. She kept her eyes closed as she heard the person talk from the other side.

"I really hope you're not still sleeping." Layla sighed from her house as she listened to Dariyah mumbling.

"Dariyah!" Layla screamed a bit higher to wake her up. "All right! I'm awake! Happy?" Dariyah sat up, glaring at her phone. If the phone were an actual person, it would have surely died under Dariyah's glare.

"Good girl. So, have you packed yet?" Layla quizzed as she watched her one year old daughter play with her son. Dariyah glanced at the untouched suitcase lying on the floor peacefully with all her clothes laid on it.

"Yeah. Why'd you ask?" Dariyah lied through her teeth. She yawned as she walked towards the mirror in her dresser and rubbed off the dried saliva on her face.

"I was thinking of helping you out. But it seems you have it figured out. Do you need anything?" Layla asked.

Dariyah smiled at Layla's kindness. "Why don't you just adopt me, already? You're already a mother of two one more wouldn't hurt."

"As much I'd like that, I don't want to handle another toddler." Layla commented.

Dariyah gasped dramatically, "Rude. Anyway, thank you for ruining my precious slumber. I need to freshen up and get few things sorted out. I'll call you later?"

"Sure thing. Bye."

"Bye." Dariyah ended the call as she looked around the mess of a room and sighed.


Once Dariyah had cleaned up her room and freshened up, she walked towards her small kitchen and made herself a light breakfast, which was bread and butter.

As Dariyah was leaving for a month she didn't wish to waste her money on buying lots of groceries and just bought bread, butter, milk, some juices and of course, coffee.

She turned on the Netflix on her TV before playing the Business Proposal, her comfort Kdrama. Dariyah wasn't the type to watch shows or movies on repeat. But there was just something in Business Proposal that brought her huge comfort and unrealistic standards of love.

It was no secret that Dariyah Hamza was a huge hopeless romantic but when it came to actually talk to men or go on dates, she'll become John Cena.

Real life men were nothing but disappointing. All right not all men but the men in Dariyah's life were as same as garbage, they stink. Physically and emotionally.

Dariyah was always the ghosting type when it came to talking to boys. She always steer clear of them except for a few exceptions. Alen and her friend from home who was currently in Texas.

It felt weird when the people she grew up seeing every day were all now in quite literally oceans apart. It made her feel a bit sad too. One of the many things that Dariyah hated was being away from her people. It felt like she was abandoned even though she wasn't it was just how life is yet she couldn't help but feel abandoned.

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