Chapter One

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"Harmony,Melody time for breakfast." Branch called his 10 year old daughter's. "Morning Dad." said the twins. "Where's Mom?" Melody asked. Melody was a kind troll who loved art and she couldn't help it but break out a joke sometimes. She had blue skin, pink hair, purple eyes and nose and sparkly freckles everywhere. "She went out early to help plan a surprise party for someone. Anyway did you girls have a good sleep?" Said Branch. "Yeah." Melody said. Harmony wasn't so sure about that. It was hard for her to go to sleep last night after the story her Mom, Poppy told last night. It was about the last trollstice and how the trolls put an end to it. Although the girls loved stories there parents told them they made no sense. Especially to Harmony because she couldn't get her hair around why that happened. I mean a bergan eating a troll that makes no sense. Harmony loved science and she had pink skin, royal blue hair and purple nose and eyes. "Umm yeah sure" she answered. Just then an alarm went off. It was Branches timer going off. He had to go to his royal duties now. "Alright girls I've got to go."Branch said " I'll see you girls tonight ok." "Ok" the girls answered. "Love you, have fun and don't do something I wouldn't do." Branch said as he left the pod. Then Harmony said "Park?" "Oh yeah." The sisters left the pod and went to the park to meet their friends.

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