Chapter Two

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"Hi guys." The girls said as they saw their friends at the park their friends names were CJ, Tiny Diamond and Coral. CJ was 12 Tiny was 11 and Coral was 9. But ages didn't matter with those friends they were B.F.F's sense the day they met. CJ had purple skin and blue hair she loved exploring. Tiny was silver and sparkly because he was a glitter troll he could rap to almost anything. Coral was definitely the shyer one of the group she had a coral colored skin and magenta hair. They had never been to this park before so they thought it might be fun to try out. Actually no one had ever been to this park before because it wasn't really a park it was just a place with 7 oak trees in front of the boundary into the forbidden forest. Then after lunch the kids curiosity got the better of them. They walked past the trees into the forest. "I'm not sure this is a good idea."Coral said as they walked out the boarder. "Cor you're worrying too much."said Melody. "Remember what I said it's one big adventure." CJ added. "Ok" Coral said. "Uh guys what was that?" Tiny asked. "I don't hear anything. " Coral started and then stopped. Just then all of the kids stood there. They peeked over a bush to see something they never thought they'd see in their lifetime. It was non other than the bad guys from Queen Poppy's stories. Such as Chef, Creek, Velvet and Veneer. The kids gasped at the sight. We're these people actually them? "Uh hurry up Creek I want to be happy now!" Chef said "Chef I told you the trolls are around here somewhere."said Creek. "I don't care about being happy. I just want revenge on those trolls for ruining my life!"Velvet yelled. Meanwhile the kids were still hiding behind the bush. "We need to get home and tell Mom and Dad." Whispered Melody. "Let's go!" Harmony said back. Then the kids ran home, but little did they know that the bad guys had spotted them and were following them back.

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