chapter 7

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Hello, are you bored? Don't worry, here I bring you a new chapter of this story.

By the way, I left a reference to Outlast in this chapter, let's see who of you can see it. If you find it, leave it in the comments.

the cover was did by GoldenPlayStation94

enjoy it

After I entered Home Sweet Home, I walked through the corridors and soon arrived at the main room, where I noticed that the door with the DogDay sun symbol on it, which led to the generator room, was closed. I couldn't help but get very nervous as I approached it, afraid I'd be jumped from the shadows. When I reached it, I tried to open it, but it was useless. It was locked up tight, so I turned to look for the button that would open the door. I didn't bother trying to follow the wires leading to the button, as after all, I knew this place particularly well.

I finally arrived at the source of the wires, and noticed the lack of two large green square batteries that were required to open the door. 'Shit!! This is very problematic,' I thought with concern as I looked at the empty slots. After a few minutes of thinking quickly, I managed to remember that there was a room where some of the batteries were apparently located.

With a heavy sigh I slowly headed towards said room, staying on high alert for the Smiling Critters as I went. When I arrived at the room, I saw that the gate that served as the room's door was unfortunately closed, and there was no way to open it. So, I walked towards a nearby room, having noticed a vent in it. I hoped that the duct led to the other side of the door.

I crouched down to open it and then entered it, and I was very surprised at how wide it was. I mean, I was 6'3 and with the Grabpack on my back, it should have been impossible for me to enter. Even though my appearance was not robust, it still should have been impossible for me to enter without the Grabpack on, but it apparently was quite the opposite.
As I went through the ventilation shaft, I saw a small opening with a fairly spacious interior beyond it, which left me feeling very curious since I did not know about that area of Home Sweet Home. Maybe it was one of those areas that I was forbidden to enter. When I was at work, I didn't bother to snoop around, as I didn't want to risk breaking the strict rules of Playtime Co. and getting fired. I crawled and crawled until I reached the other side, and found myself coming out on the other side of the door. I headed over to the cabinets and opened them, and to my great dismay, there was only a single battery.

"Motherfucker!" I cursed angrily as I looked around the room. I remembered that there were many that had been in the room earlier. Where the hell were the rest??! At least I had one, which was better than zero. As I looked around the place for more batteries, something caught my attention: a red, blue, and yellow gas mask hanging on a wall hook. I took it and looked at it closely, before smiling as I put it on top of my head. While it wouldn't help me much against CatNap, it would at least protect me from the deadly gas she breathed and give me more opportunities to escape.
Once it was on, I left the cabinets and headed towards the gate. I saw one of those light green plugs and I quickly knew what I had to do, having seen it done several times. I approached the plug and stretched out my green hand until I touched it. When I did that, the green hand was immediately charged, with a few sparks coming off it. I then fired my other hand at the other outlet on the other side of the door and completely the circuit, causing the gate to slide to the left. 'I still can't believe how advanced this company is' I thought as I walked down to where he battery ports were for the generator door and placed it inside. When I did so, a rooster crowed, causing me to snort in amusement.

Then I started to think about where I could find another battery. I had to think fast because if I didn't, sooner or later I'd get caught and I didn't want that to happen. I thought for several moment, before I then remembered where I could find a battery. There was one in the children's room with the double beds. There was a statue of Bobby Bearhug in it, and connected directly to its back was a battery. Upon remembering that, immediately headed towards the room, soon reaching and climbing up a staircase before I opened the door leading to that room.

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