9 |Gut Feeling

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「 ✦ chapter 9 ✦ 」

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「 ✦ chapter 9 ✦ 」

NEXT FRIDAY ROLLED IN very quickly, and It's not a good thing when four boys have been living with us in our dorm, and ever since they found out that our scanners are all broken don't wanna leave .

personally, I think It's cuz their dorm is messy asf and they dont wanna clean.

Ever since they crashed at ours, they've been using our laundry room every single freaking day, and all of our clothes have been mixed up with theirs.

And It's sad because I had such a good dress in mind, It has white lace and silk fabric which would've been amazing for that weird party thing! but no, I cannot find it!


Like I have a pair of  white platform sandal heels I bought a week before we got the invite and it would've been perfec-

"Addison fucking Whitlock." A voice pulled me out of my misery-filled thoughts.

Jaylen chucked a white dress at me, "Yours?" He asks, covering his face, omg was he blushing? Like yes I get the dress is short and lacey but no need to act like It's a pair of my lingerie.

More important, OMG YAY MY DRESS!

"Thanks Jay, are you okay? You look a bit pink on the nose and cheeks." I ask innocently, "tsk, yeah. You don't need to ask me that shit, Addie."

"Okay, alright, get out!!" I yell at him and he gives me a glare but shuts the door slowly.

Jeez, such a nuisance.

I drape the dress across my chair, and look out the window, my sight met with a curtain of rain blocking my view of the city.

Below, the gardens are drenched, the roses sloppy and not straight anymore from the constant rain that has been a thorn in everyones side since yeaterday. Get it? Thorn in my side, ya-know cuz of the roses!

I'm so funny, but back to the point.

School has been called off because of the downpour, nobody willing to leave their dorms, even the teachers who live on campus are isolated within their building.

I open the door to check on everyone, not sure if It's because I may be afraid, but ever since that note about the masquarade party or whatever you call it, I've felt a massive sense of dread, like my heart sank to my stomach and hasn't been hauled up yet, but I'm trying to convince myself that It's paranoia, and that I'm being dramatic.

Am I though?

I've had my times where my gut-feelings have let me down, many many times.

But this one feels wrong in a bad way, in a way that is making every fibre of my being scream 'don't go to that party!!'

It feels like if the sun was out in daytime, something just felt off.

Especially last night, since I was one of the last people to sleep, I could've sworn I heard camera shutters-

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now