Chapter: Year 2121

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A/N: I am not editing any grammatical errors. Like, at all. 

 Alkeria Online. A 12th Gen Platinum-Rated BeyondX All Sense Full Dive VRMMORPG. Yeah, I am sure its drawn out title was unnecessary; especially for the consumer-base. But if I ended up abbreviated any further, it would be a 12G PR BX AS FD VRMMORPG. Doesn't roll of the tongue, doesn't it. And seems more like a barcode if anything else. Perhaps even a password.

Ok, so let me explain, if you need it. 12th gen in the current generation of the games we are in, when it comes to the rest of the stuff. Platinum-Rated would be the equivalent of Michelin Stars in the video game word. These are given out by Alpha Testers, but I will get back to that later.

BeyondX, oh, that is quite an interesting one that could lead to an hour long debate, though, I won't pull your leg for that long. Basically, I would say that it is akin to a 'physics engine', as well as the landscape for most of the games, in which they use. However, if you are a conspirator, you may end up thinking that the corporations, end up 'playing god' and creating an artificial universe, in which they are able to 'send' human souls into the 'simulation.' Though, something to that caliber, sounds downright atrocious. Because of this, calling it "soul-dive" was completely dropped. Leaving, BeyondX to fill in that space. Where do we go? Beyond. And were is that? X, a variable with an infinite amount of locations. That is how I thought of it, to say the least.

Now, where was I? Oh yes: All Sense. Basically, it is just the full accessibility to all of your senses when playing. Touch, Taste, Hear, Smell, See. The basics. Most games ended up getting at least 3 out of the general 5, and this was just half- a century ago. Now, we are up to, I don't know, 50? Give or take a few. All in all, creating a 'Physics Engine' for a game, and making game avatars be able to be applied to each and every factor if it was its own world, including Balance, Pain, Hand-eye coordination. Yeah, the usual.

Full Dive is just went the brain is sent via the headset to the game world. Basic gaming in this century. Why, was this wasn't discluded after they ended up placing BeyondX, beats me? That question is way beyond my pay-grade. Though, I am sure you could guess. BeyondX could be considered as "Soul-dive", Full-Dive is just "Mind dive". Based on some research, the mind and soul my be relating to one another, but they are different. How are they? Well, haven't read that research paper in awhile, but I think it is like our minds as a computer, and souls a usb-drive. IThough I might be mixing some "Soul diving conspiracy" into the fray.

And for the rest, it is a century years's old. I am sure it doesn't need any explaining. VR is virtual reality, a world that is digitalized. MMO, so mass-multiplayer online, as this game , everything can play a the same time. And RPG, Role playing game. They are typically fun games that serve as forms of Escapism. I mean, all games are like that, but RPG's could be said the be the forefather of escapism.

RPGs take the role of many things, typically, taking piece of history, or many, before flipping it on its head with new things, like magic, monsters, dragons, demons, all of the sweet, sweet icing. It could be said that what rpgs could do could be considered the greatest form of flattery, or the greatest form of mockery. Your choice.

Anyways, fantasy has been around for awhile. Typically followed by periods of over-saturation, then a decline, before rising back up to even greater sums of over-saturation.

And now, all of this, each and every part, comes together to make something that is better than the sum of the parts, in this case, Alkeria Online. A game that is truly the best of the best.

"Well, not just yet." I said to myself, examining the basic info of the game. "Let's see, class system, yada yada yada, race system, yada yada yada, magic system, yada yada yada, combat system, yada yada yada, and character customization."

It honestly looked pretty basic. Not that these are bad things, but if this is all they are going for, then it seems like quite a disappointing game. And given that over a million people ended up working on this game, and being a multi trillion dollar corporation, you would of expected much more.

"Do they not want to spoil it for us?" I thought. "No, , that can't be the case? Beta-testers are the ultimate spoilers. Once we get a glimpse of it, one of us will probably link the whole game on the internet. They are only trying to escape the inevitable."

Well, not like I am going to spoil the game. I will probably either tell my younger sister whether or not to play it, but other than that, my lips are sealed. I take the 'confidential terms and agreements' quite seriously.

I sighed, swiping out of the details of the game on the holo-pad, before placing it down, and putting on the headset to get ready play. Though, I had to make a few other adjustments, before I ended up testing out the game.

I first, went to the bathroom, ate some high energy ramen, and ended up testing my headset with a cantaloupe; just to make sure it didn't end up electrocuting the death of me. Once I ended up doing that, I called a friend of mine, who said that he was in, and was able to see a 'exit' and was able to exit the game at least once to make sure it was working properly.

Now, that I was finished, I ended up calling my sister, telling here where I am, and everything.

"Geez. Onii-chan, why do you take your gamer ritual so seriously?" She groaned.

I shrugged. "Well, you know what happened with that one unfortunate video game...."

"That's just a superstition. People don't get trapped. And there are too many failsafes if that happens." She retorted.

"Maybe, even so, it's apart of my gaming ritual." I ended up sitting down in my gaming chair, clicking it down until it was in an almost laying position. "Now, once in the game, I don't even need to worry about anything. Not even you."

"Yeah, whatever." I could hear here rolling her eyes. " Though, if there is any cute characters, please tell me."

"Sure thing." I said. "See you."

"See you."

I hanged the call. Now that I have concluded my necessary rituals, I can now do what I need to do; beta-test Alkeria Online. 

Got isekaied in a 2G PR BX AS FD VRMMORPG world and now I am game-breakingly OPWhere stories live. Discover now