Chapter 2: GET TPK'D ON, PUNK

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"Xeren, hurry up and buff me with your bardic performance!" One of my party members demanded, getting ready to strike the Shoosuva; a monster that is a blend of a wolf and a cat, thin and sleek, with a coat of gray fur that looked like fresh fallen ash powdered on. Though the Shoosuva was flesh and blood, it looked halfway dead, even though his hp was three-quarters full. He looked quite rawboned. So much so, that you almost see his ribcage, and his thin translucent skin couldn't hide, a yellow glow. Much like a yellow glow in his gapping jaw. But not like its eyes. Oooh. Its eyes. Its eyes was a haunting orange. But that wasn't even the worst of it.

It didn't stop there. On its back was the most wild protrusions, that looks as if they were claws and fangs; black ones, that looked as if they were dipped in tar. This nasty beast had a full set in its jaw, with canine teeth that looked like sabertooths. Claws, on its fore and back paws, retracted, but when they are out, they are razor, and they cut through our 'wall's' main shield like paper. And those razor claws, went all the way up its spine, its tail bone, and on the tip, assimilating into a scorpion tip.

Now, Description-wise, it was a frightening sight to behold. Though, the flavor text did add onto that list of horrors, as it was engrained into the lore quite nicely as one of the end bosses, its stats, as well as its immunities, skills, and weaknesses, are something that are yet to be quite frightening, indeed. It is immune to effects such as frighten, charmed, and poisons effected, is also immune to poison damage. It resists all magics, except holy, and physical attacks that are non-magical. It has a 3 meter extendable tail for mid-ranged combat, which it can be used to sting and induce a powerful toxin i n the body with affects varying upon doses. If stung once, it will induce a minor poison affect. Twice, and it will induce slower movements. Three stings induces mild poison followed by additional sense of hallucination. Four will induce all of that, followed by magic lethargy. Five will cause major poisoning, and numbness and a likelihood of becoming paralyzed. Six may result in further mind warping affects, which may include turning allies against one another in a sense of rage. All of these steps being hindered or helped varying on the size, with a medium-sized creature being the average.

It was quite an impressive beast. Definitely deserving of an end-game boss. Even when me and my group ended up maxing out our levels. Me, maxing out bard, may have been seemed as dumb, but it was agreed by all of us, that we would fully level up each classes on our 'beta test accounts of the game', just so we can swap notes and try out new things, in order to make competitive builds; perhaps even multi-classing to compliment some of the more notable abilities and spells.

Going back to the battle, I ended up casting my Bardic Performance: [Inspiration], to aid my party members against the Shoosuva. Whistling my bladed flute, beyond our sturdy paladin's knight, my music became music sheets of multi-colored lights, as they ended up flying to each of our parties members, wrapping around them; causing them to be all buffed.

"Thanks, Xeren." The sweeper of the group, our resident fighter, wielding a longsword, ended up rushing towards the beast, slashing it a good few times, before the rest of our attackers game in to continue that support.

After slashing and focusing on the boss Shoosuva, as it reached half hp, Shoosuva ended up spawning, some younger Shoosuva. Although they were of the same race, they carried the ability to continued poison stacking if you are damage. About 15 all surrounded us.

Since our main Dps's were in the center, mostly focused on fighting the large beasts, we had to rely, are stall out. Already, someone with the Rogue class was able to reach us, and helped killing off 3 of them. However, that wouldn't do it. If the poison ends up striking our healer, the cleric, there was no way would have any insurance.

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