Chapter 41

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"Familia Ante Omnia"

"Family overall"


I'd never been this close to death before, I mean my mom was close but to actually have to plan and witness the funeral of Ms. Nina was taking a toll on me and I wasn't expecting that. I let out a deep breath as I put on the black dress in preparation for the funeral. Let me help you with that mami said helping me to zip up my dress. Thank you Mami. No problem, Nenita! When I gave you this dress, I never would have imagined that you'd be wearing it to a funeral. Me either I said smoothing the dress and turning to look at her. How am I supposed to do this mami, it's too much. Nenita, this is life, and more importantly this is a very real part of our life, you never know when it's your time to go. We both know it wasn't Nina's time, but to due to circumstances outside of our control she had to go. Ms. Nina was so prudish about sex, how could she of all people get something like that. Prudish huh she said laughing a little. Nina was...let me just put it this way, it one thing to enjoy sex because it was pleasurable it's another to do it because you have no choice. What are you saying to me? I am saying Familia saved her from a life of being pimped out to the highest bidder. Dancer! She probably wished she was a dancer at that time, but she was working with some people that didn't value her as a person or a woman. Knock! Knock yall ready to head out Tio Daniel said standing at the door. Give us a few minutes we'll meet you at the car mami said to him as he nodded. Take a seat Nenita she motioning the bed. Nina...I met Nina when I was in college, we were both struggling academically and relied on each other to make it through. While I was only struggling academically, she was struggling financially as well. On the weekends when most of us were out running the streets and parting, she was escorting. She was a prostitute. In layman's terms yes, she was, she was recruited by some random broads in the mall they told her all she had to do was just escort these businessmen to dinner and stuff and they'd pay her. They never told her that these dudes would want way more than just company. She's been assaulted physically a couple of times when I met her and pulled her out of that game. I ain't have a lot of money but I had enough to know that she didn't need to be doing that. So, I made her my assistant when I had to go out on the street and do what I did. I always maintained contact with her and Marco. We were a triangle before Asia came into the picture. I gave her enough to maintain a normal college lifestyle and put some money in the bank. At first, she wasn't visible, I kept her off the streets, and as the business got bigger and more lucrative, I trained her to be able to go out and handle stuff for us alone. Well, she was never alone, she always has a point of contact with her and then she could always call me, Asia, or Marco at any time of day or night. Is that why her family cut her off? You'd think but they cut her off because of the decision she made to follow that dumb nigga and get caught up in some shit that she couldn't get herself out of. Before she had Alexandria, she was in jail for 4 months. She had her jail! No, she didn't she was 6 months when she got out. I made her promise me that she'd leave him alone because she had a life to worry about and it wasn't his. He let her sit in jail. He let her take a case for him, while he was out screwing the next bitch. Oh, but he got his karma for real. A little after Nina had Alexandria, I'd say about 5 months he got popped with drugs, his little bitch turned on him. Familia didn't get him out. Let's just he wasn't on the right side of Familia if you know what I mean.

It made sense now why Ms. Nina moved the way she moved and why Jewels had never really met her father. I remember early on asking about her background. We were the only two little girls that didn't have daddy picking us up from school so we naturally bonded over that and of course our moms being friends. She'd always tell me he didn't have a father she had a sperm donor. Now imagine being 7 or 8 and hearing that and wondering what the hell she meant by it. I soon figured it out myself that we came from situations of donations and that we'd be better off not knowing who the half of was.

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