Chapter 43

18 1 4

"Oderint Dum metuant"

"Let them hate so long as they fear"


I smiled as I watched Jonah in karate class. It's crazy that I even have a son the amount of time I spent handling business for other folks and their kids. It's not like I wanted to do their dirty work, but my brothers took advantage of me and my willingness to be involved in their activities. Once I was free from them and their dirty work, I was free to live my own life. And in my free time from them I stumbled into various different relationships and situations with different women, but none of them were like what I experienced with Kalisha. Now before you jump down my throat about her being my brothers baby mama you should know that our history was much longer than her and Donovan's history ever was. And when he wasn't treating her right, I was stepping up and taking care of her, and our children. As crazy as that may sound, we ain't got enough time in this book to explain that secret or the many other secrets that she and I had been keeping all these years. No, we definitely don't have time for that, right now I needed to figure my out of this shit that I am in now. When I first met Rochelle, I wasn't looking for anything other than some fun and a get away from my problems on the East Coast. She wasn't looking for anything too serious and neither was I. Things didn't get to the point they are now until I bit off more than I could chew when I doubled a bet. It was a sure thing, I knew the numbers and the probability what would happen when I played a certain card, but things didn't turn out the way I thought they would and I lost the bet. Normally I wouldn't even be worried about it because I could cover the loss, it was never that much money. This time was different, I'd lost 4 million and only had 2 million liquid. Rochelle offered to help cover the other half since I lost it in her casino. I had the money but once Jesse decided to pull his stunt, all my accounts with big money were frozen leaving me with only regular day-to-day accounts, the ones that the feds wouldn't know about. Being in this family we always stayed 3 steps ahead and never put our big money in local banks or credit unions. I tried to explain to Rochelle that I was good for money, but she wasn't hearing it. She's the hard ass type, she don't believe none of what she sees or hears from anyone.

Christian James! Who's asking I said looking up at the two men standing over me. Are you Christan James or not? I am! We need to have a discussion with you about some money you owe someone. I licked my lips and looked around at the people who were starting to stare and snicker. Can we do this later, I am kind of busy right now. No, it's an urgent discussion. I let out a deep breath before looking at Jonah again, fine lets step outside the room I said standing up and following the guys out of the room and outside the building. Ms. Laurent has been looking for you because you owe her money. I know Rochelle is looking for me. If you know, why haven't you paid her the money, you don't look like strapped for cash. The money is tied up, I am trying to get it. Ms. Laurent doesn't like having to chase money so she's sent us to get it in cash or blood. Blood makes me squeamish so I am going to need the cash. It's legit tied up in my brother's death. Christian I am not stupid you have money and you have access to it. I am not lying I am serious the money is tied up in my brother's death we're trying to get it settled now and hope to have the account unfrozen soon. You have two weeks to get that money or I am have to take it in blood. I got 500K liquid now that I can give her, I just can't ahold of the rest of it. 500K huh! yes, I have access to it now, if I give her that, I won't have any money to live off of until the rest of the accounts are unfrozen. I'll take the proposition back to Ms. Laurant and see what she says, but I can't guarantee that it'll work. It's something at least. The guy was looking at me before I heard Jonah's voice.

Dad! As soon as I heard him say I saw the twinkle in the man's eye. Can she take that? We'll get back with you Christian James he said smirking before motioning for his guy to follow him. I wanted till they were both out of ear shot before speaking to Jonah. Dad! Yeah, buddy you done with class. Who were they? Just some friends, you got your stuff, we'll grab something to eat before we go home. He studied me like Jaya does when she knows I am lying about shit, before going back in the building to get his stuff. Fuck I mumbled to myself. I didn't tell Rochelle I had a son; hell, I didn't even tell her what business I was in to begin with. Kalisha didn't conceive him until two after I met her and we really started communicating on that level. I am ready Dad he said coming out in a foul mood. What's wrong buddy? Nothing he said, sniffing as he got in the car. Jonah! Dad! Seriously what's the matter? You have to leave again, right, he said looking at me? Why would you say that? Because every time I get used to you being here, someone shows up and you have to leave. I am not leaving Jonah; those guys were business connects that's all. You sure? I am positive, in fact I've been thinking about getting a place here. Getting a place, we have a house with mom. That's not my house though. It could be your house and we could be a family. I see where this is going, hell I lived it myself growing up wanting my father's attention and for him to be around all the time. Jonah, buddy you know me and your mom aren't together like that. Yall sleep together though. What you mean we sleep together. Dad I am 7 not 5, I know what yall do when you think I am asleep. I chuckled a little me and your mom have an understanding. I guess you're wiser than I thought. Listen Jonah, we'll always be a family even if me and your mom aren't together like that. You aren't gay are you! What the hell you just say? I heard DJ telling his friend if he pass up on some pussy, he's gay. Oh my god! Jonah, you need to stop listening to your brothers conversations, I said shaking my head as we drove. And no, I am not gay I am too much of a man to bend over. Bend over! Never mind let's just listen to the radio I said turning up the radio.

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