Chapter 50

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"In Vincula"

"Into Bonds" Pt. 2


It's been too mother fuckin long since we've had a meeting like this Corey said dapping me up as we waited for the bosses to call the meeting to order. I know my nigga it has; I am glad they got they shit together though cause the last five years have been hard as hell. Who you telling, being between the two of them is like being caught between an F5 tornado and a Cyclone he said laughing a little. That's the damn truth. It's good to be back, I just wish it wasn't as a result that crazy woman trying to off them. I am surprises she's still alive, I heard years ago one of them dudes she was messing with gave her something uncurable. You know you can't kill the devil I said laughing. She keep messing around and she's going to meet the real devils and this time I don't think they're going to take pity on her either. Definitely not, I said rubbing my hands together.

Big bro what's going on you seem tense. I don't know it's something ain't right about this shit. What shit the wedding not the wedding that's been in the works for a while and is blessed. I am talking about Katrina and the way she's been coming at us left and right. Someone definitely put a battery in her back on some shit. You remember a while back when Andre was around. Andre who? You know who I am talking about. Oh, you mean that football player that couldn't take no for an answer. Yeah him, do you remember any of those cats we had around us back then. Those cats, Marco this is family everyone that involved back then is still around today. Are you looking for someone in particular? I don't even know what I said shaking my head. You ain't said nothing what's going on? I think there is rat in the family. A rat, that some serious allegations, are you sure. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth that she had people on the inside reporting to her. You heard this where? A recording between Katrinia and Felicia Butler. Who is Felicia Butler and why the hell does that name sound familiar he said thinking. Felicia Butler is Andre's baby mama and Terry and Meech's cousin Ron said joining the conversation. Cousin! Cousin, 2nd cousin on their mothers side. How did you know that, Ron? I made it my business to know any and everyone around Andre back in the day. He was foul and the fact that he was messing with Lisa after she divorced Pac wasn't sitting right with me. That house she bought when we got to Atlanta wasn't supposed to be for us, it was for Mimi when she got her back. You were there that night, Ron, how would Katrina find out anything about what happened to Andre? She wouldn't have firsthand or at all because none of us ever spoke of it again. I know I didn't tell Lisa did you tell Jaya? I told her the pertinent information which was he was handled that's it. What about Tionne? Kayo wasn't even supposed to be there that night. I am sure he didn't tell her anything. It's not even the family that I am worried about, It's someone else, someone close but maybe not blood. Well, it ain't like we held an intake process, it'll be easy to figure out who did it and why. Alright let's call this meeting to order Jaya said getting our attention. I needed to talk to her and Asia about this because as Corey said this wasn't no little social club this was family and if family was spilling secrets we needed to know and handle it accordingly. I did wonder how Ron found out about Felicia being Terry and Meeche's cousin, as far as we knew they were like us they kept friends close and family closer. Her being involved with Andre should have come up sooner much sooner than now.

It's been a long time since Familia has had a family meeting like this and I want to be the first one to apologize for the strain we put on the family Jaya said looking at Asia. Instead of keeping our shit together we let the outside people and things get in between us. But mark our words that won't happen again, Asia said. In fact, we're about to make our circle even smaller and tighter. How lover boy over here just married the Mafia we said nudging Noel. Yall know there is levels to this shit, and that's one level of it. This right here is another level, these three families the Williams, the Moreno's and the she took a deep breath before saying the last name...and the Davila's need to be tight on the same page for everything that's about to come. I don't mean to ignorant but who are the Davila's Bianca said looking around. Us 3 Jaya said pointing to me, her, and Noel. Watson is the name our father took to cover up his sins of the past. Ohhh she said nodding. She's probably not the only one confused by the situation, am I right? And there's more she said pulling out a piece of paper. Given the circumstances I would have kept this between us two, but it effects the entire family. Familia isn't just a saying or a motto. This really is a blood, Legacy. Our fathers weren't just close as friends they were close as relatives. Relatives, how! The central player is Charles! He's Mathis's half-brother on the father side and Thomas's half-brother on the Mothers side. Wait but our family is Afro-Mexican. Actually, they are Haitian, French, and Mexican, his mother left the family in Haiti in search of better opportunities. She settled in Mexico and never looked back. You serious Corey said looking at Jaya? Unfortunately, I don't have the full history but DNA doesn't lie. How does Diego play into all of this? Small island no birth control, him and Charles are distant cousins. I am not even sure how they reconnected that's how distant they are.

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