[ After college ] -Ciroomie #1

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Request by : kylir4

Miss Circle x Miss Bloomie

This is a chapter 1.

___[Miss Circle's PoV]___

Today, is a day before the end of college... Everyone got long holiday of course before graduating.


Well.. to be honest, i and Bloomie are quite close now days.. we'be been talking, eating and go to the library together.

____[Miss Bloomie's PoV]____

Today was Wednesday as i visits Circle's dorm [#002]

I go out from my dorm [#007] and go to hers

Well.. without knocking, i burst in and saw her n4ked (just kidding)

and saw her on the couch, eating oreos as always.. Classic Miss Circle (inspired by Murder Drones again)

She noticed me

She said,
before Pat the empty sit beside her, gesturing me to sit there..

I sit there eventually as we start talking

"How's day going?"



We make conversation for a while.. She's doing it while eating oreos of course.

I don't know whyyy.. but i felt sleepy..

I can see she was watching a movie from YouTube

As she would absolutely NOT skip the ads when it comes to a Oreo ads.

I then fall asleep.. since it was boring..

___[Miss Circle's PoV]___

I saw her sleep as i continue to eat my oreo.

With a :3 (smug face), i then change position from sit to lying down. Putting my head on her lap as i continue to watch..

She doesn't even notice or realize it~ how cute~ :3

___[Third person's PoV]___

Miss Circle eventually fall asleep.

The light was dim as it almost death silent with only TV sound was heared..

This is a chapter one! Hopefully i can continue

Pls give me an idea TwT

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