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When the Impala rolled to a stop in front of a weather-beaten salvage yard, Raya was fast asleep in the back seat. They stayed in the car, giving her a minute before waking her up. Sam gently shook her arm, and she slowly opened her eyes, sitting up and taking in her surroundings. This was not what she had expected.

"Where are we?" she asked, rubbing her eyes from sleep, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Sam glanced at her with a small smile. "Welcome to Bobby Singer's salvage yard. He's an old friend of ours."

Dean cut the engine and turned to face Raya. "Bobby helped us out more times than I can count. He's a bit gruff, but he's got a heart of gold."

Raya nodded, feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement.

As they stepped out of the car, Raya's eyes fell on the figure of a grizzled old man standing in the doorway of a rundown shack. He had a stern expression on his face as he watched them approach.

"That's Bobby," Dean said, nodding towards the man. "Just remember to stay on his good side."

Raya swallowed nervously as they approached Bobby. She couldn't help but feel a little intimidated by the gruff hunter.

"Bobby," Dean greeted him with a nod. "This is Raya. She's... well, she's one of us now." Raya felt her heart warm at Dean's words. She's one of us now, the words echoed in her head, briefly quieting the screams.

Bobby raised an eyebrow, eyeing Raya with a critical gaze. "Is that so?" Raya shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny, feeling like she was being weighed and measured. Dean cleared his throat and shot Bobby a look. Raya understood why Bobby was cautious, so she took a step back, looking at the ground beneath her feet and playing with the sleeve of her T-shirt.

Bobby grunted, his expression softening slightly. "Well, we'll see about that. Come on in."

Inside the shack, Raya found herself relaxing a bit as Bobby showed them to a table littered with papers and... books. So many books. Bobby sat down, the boys standing in front of the table, but Raya stayed behind, letting her fingers trace the spines of the books. Bobby letting his eyes wander on Raya for a moment before speaking to the two boys.

"I'm guessing you didn't tell her all of it?" he asked them, rolling his eyes at the boys when neither of them looks him in the eyes, of course they let him do the harder part.

"We thought for day she had an enough for one day" Dean says looking back at Raya and smiling slightly when she picks up a book, opening it and smelling the pages.

"Hey kid! Come here." Bobby calls out. Raya shut the book quickly returning where she belongs before making her way over.

"Is everything okay?" Raya asked when she looked up at Dean who was making face at Bobby.

"I want to show you something" Bobby says as he stars opening the book in front of him.

"So, you already know you are a seer. But what you don't know is that they're two kinds of seers." Bobby flipped through the pages of the book, stopping at illustration of a woman. Woman cloaked in a hood. Part of her face hidden behind her hood but the rest of her face emanating gentle warmth. Her outstretched palms forming a small bowl, holding orb made of light which glowed with such a pure and ethereal light. The light dancing and shimmering in her palms casting a warm feeling of new beginnings and hope.

"Seers who can see the future and the other one..." Bobby trailed flipping to the next page reliving another illustration, at first the illustration looked similar like this was just black and white version, but it wasn't. This woman was obscured by shadows. Her face drawn low over her face covering all parts of her face expect of her smile that shine with sorrow. In her palms was orb, but it wasn't made of light but shadows that danced around trying to escape. Raya swore that when she focused on the orb, she could see there screaming faces full of desperation. While the first one offered hope this one was offering despair.

"Can see death" she finishes for him, so this is who she is? A desperation? When she learned she was seer she felt relived she finally knows what been happing in her mind since she was nine. Raya hate her visions, she hates every part of it, she hates that she sees people die every die till it happens, she hated that she sees it through their eyes, she hates that she feels everything, and she hate that she could see future, like good and pure future. She could saw people getting promoted and people getting married and then she could tell them that good thing are waiting for them but instead she's warning them about their death, and they never listen, and she hates it. Most of all the things she hates about her visons they never listen.

"Seems like I won quite the card, didn't I?" 

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