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"This is your captain speaking. I would like to begin by welcoming everyone onboard to Flight JQ313. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 35,000 feet and at an airspeed of 500 miles per hour. The time is now 1:25 pm and the weather outside looks mighty fine today." The captain's announcement was heard through a speakerphone.

I sat back in the seat feeling the excitement of traveling alone on vacation. Have you ever traveled solo? For me, it was the first time.

I am 24 years old and working as an HR Assistant in one of the biggest multinational companies. My relationship ended two weeks ago. Just a few days before my birthday! What a birthday present, ha? Well, it was a twist I didn't see coming: life's full of surprises, not all of them wrapped in rainbows.

My ex was very passionate about cheating on me with my roommate, which I discovered two weeks ago. All three of us lived in the same apartment, which made it easy for them to fuse whenever I was not around. At the time when I asked Max to move into the apartment that I shared with a girl whom I thought we were friends with, even though we hadn't known each other for long, I had no idea what the consequences would be. At the beginning I was a little afraid of what life together would look like. How Lisa would accept Max and vice versa. That wasn't something I had to worry about, as we all got along well. Maybe, even too well. In the evening, when we got together after work, we played board games, ate popcorn, and watched a movie together. I was happy that we got along well without even suspecting what was going on in the background.

I discovered that Max cheated on me with Lisa quite by accident and in a Clichéd style. I came home from work earlier than usual to find them in our bed.

"Max... Lisa?"

"Uh, Zoe, I can explain!"

"Explain? Explain what exactly? Was Lisa cold so you decided to warm her up under the blanket?"

That was the day I realized that inviting my boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now, to live with me and my roommate was a mistake. I was angry, I cried, and then I just looked into my past, and my future dejectedly. But, all of that feels like a lifetime ago, like a bad dream that I woke up from.

I was taken aback. Feeling physical pain as if someone had punched me hard in the stomach I rushed out of the room furious and disgusted. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. How can I move past this I asked myself?

I didn't know what to do. I rushed out of the room, got into the car, and went to the first park. I sat down on a bench by the lake and I just cried and cried ... and cried again. I felt so miserable. Finally, when there were no more tears left, I was exhausted but also brand new. I came to the apartment and found it empty. Uh, What a relief! I was glad I didn't have to see either of them now. I packed my stuff, taking advantage of the fact that they weren't at home and left him a letter in which I thanked him for the year I spent under the illusion that I was loved. Oh...screw need to be fake nice. I thought so I added at the end: "Fuck you, Max, you cheated me not once, not two but who knows how many times in a previous year and you did it with my roommate! How disgusting!"

To Lisa, I only wrote one note, "Building happiness on someone else's misfortune is not success. Good luck with him!"

Despite the unexpected detour my journey's taken, I refused to let my birthday slip by unnoticed. So, I figured, why not treat myself to a trip and celebrate with the one person who truly matters on that day - me!

So that day when I moved out of the apartment we shared, I booked a plane ticket to a captivating island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. How did I choose a place for my first solo trip? In an old funny way; I went up to the attic, dug out this old globe I'd kept from school days, gave it a good dust-off, and made it spin, jabbing my finger onto it. I peeked open my eyes and bam, there it was, the exotic paradise!

I don't know if I'm brave or crazy for deciding to embark on an adventure on an unknown island that I chose at random. On the last day before departure, my colleague Sara commented: "Hey, I just wanted to say how awesome it is that you're traveling by yourself. Honestly, I don't think I could do it; I would probably chicken out at the last minute! Props to you for being so brave."

I hope she's right and I won't regret making such an impulsive decision. Because honestly, I wasn't thinking rationally at that moment, this was an emotional reaction. I just wanted to have some much-needed time to myself with minimal mental load, to relax and rebuild after all the crap that's happened to me. Deciding to be kind to myself I took my savings and booked expensive accommodation on the sunny island.

And so... here I am, reclining in my seat, sipping champagne that the flight attendant just brought me, strong and single ready for a new chapter in my life.

Like my mother always told me: "Never lose faith; every end marks a fresh start."

🌸~ ~ ~ Luna's Notes ~ ~ ~ 🌸

Hi! I hope you enjoyed this prologue as much as I did! Do not forget to follow me on Instagram in order to stay updated with latest stories and updates!


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