22- "When our eyes met, time stood still."

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When our eyes met, time stood still.



Hazel widened her eyes with surprise and dismay. She had never gone beyond the borders of Dragonite, and her curiosity about the world beyond the pink mountains was always overwhelming.

Almost three years after deciding to travel, she had finally found the courage to portal here.

What she was seeing before her was nothing like she had imagined. She found herself in a narrow, shabby alleyway that was suffocatingly tight. The houses around her were worn out, with patches of paint peeling off.

She glanced up, feeling a sense of unease creeping up her spine. The buildings seemed ready to tumble down at any moment; their angles were skewed and unsettling.

The air was filled with a terrible smell-a mix of faecal matter and decaying fish or meat. Hazel covered her nose and quickly turned away.

Boro was right; this was not a place she wanted to visit. Not once, not twice, not ever again in her life. Journeying here had been a colossal mistake.

"You cannot go there, Hazel." Boro tried to reason with her for the umpteenth time. But her heart was set and her mind was made; she was going beyond the borders to see for herself what dangers were waiting for her in Kral's empire. Surely it couldn't be as dire as the rumours made it out to be. Rumours had a way of exaggerating and were always filled with misery and fear when it came to Qaranliq.

"I'm going with or without you, and don't worry, I'll be back soon. I promise. Just cover for me."

Boro sighed, clearly troubled.

"Fine. Just...don't be long."

Hazel smiled; she knew he'd eventually come around. "I promise!" she replied earnestly, her optimism unwavering.

Now that she was in Qaranliq, Hazel wondered if she should have listened to Boro; he was right after all. This was no place for a leisurely stroll. The air was heavy with despair and decay, and even the walls seemed to echo with suffering.

Hazel shivered, feeling a tremor run through her body. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she was being watched.
If she were caught...
She couldn't afford to get caught.

She stared around with apprehension.
The fear made the hair on her arms stand. Looking down at her clothes, she cursed her choice of attire for the day. Her sunflower yellow dress made her stick out like a rose in a snowstorm.

She took a deep breath, wishing she had opted for a black cloak instead. Maybe then she could have blended well with the sombre surroundings. It was a relief, at least, that she hadn't worn her flowery headdress.

The scene around her was incredibly dull and lifeless. It seemed as if this place had been forgotten for ages, barely holding onto its last breaths. How the buildings remained upright was a mystery. The mere fact that the houses hadn't crumbled into dust and bricks was in itself a miracle.

She couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sorrow for the people living here. Poverty and hardship must be their daily companions.

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