Chapter two- Where are we?

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Got this done way sooner than I thought I would. now for chapter 3, not sure when that will release, no set time frame on how long it will be 

Anywho, wow, chapter 1 cliff hanger. There may or may not be more cliff hangers later on in the book 


les get on with it 


Waves crashed, and birds cried. Then sun beat down on the colorful multiple figures that lay on the beach. Wings stop beating and talons thump onto the sand. "Blaze, what are they?" An armored dragon, a deep golden yellow skywing, walks forward looking at the figures lying on the beach.

"Isn't it obvious, Scorch? They are dragons." The armored ruby red skywing replies, her eyes scanning the beach.

"I know that, Blaze, but what are they doing here? How did they end up here? Are they even alive? Do they need help? What should we....."

"Scorch, stop bombarding me with questions. I don't know. This was supposed to be a normal patrol."

Scorch looked at Blaze. "Well what should we do?"

Blaze walked over to the dragons. "Let's start by checking for pulses and seeing if they are alive." Blaze went from dragon to dragon, sighing in relief as she felt a steady pulse from each of them.

"Blaze, look at him." Scorch was standing by a blue rainwing.

Blaze went over and looked at the rainwing. "What happened to him? His whole bottom half looks as if he was burned." Blaze then looked at each of them. "Scorch, each of them bear scars. Look at this nightwing. He has scars on his wrists and neck. What happened to them?"

Suddenly, a coughing fit sounded. Blaze turned looking for the one that was coughing. It was a bright green leafwing. The leafwing groaned, his bright eyes opening. "W-where am I? What's going on? Wait, guys? Guys, are you alright?!" The leafwing attempted to stand, only to collapse once again.

Blaze ran over. "Hey, easy. You just woke up. Your body is extremely weak. What's your name? Any serious injuries that need to be treated right away?"

"My name is Green. No, I don't think there is anything too serious."

"Good." Blaze nodded to Green, then turned scanning the others.

"They will wake up soon, right?" Green scanned his brothers and friends, worry in his eyes.

"I hope they do." Blaze sighed then turned to Green. "What's that around your neck?"

"Oh, these are my headphones. I wear them like this." Green then put his headphones on to show Blaze. Putting them back around his neck, Green's attention was immediately drawn from Blaze, as Scorch called out.

"Hey! The red mudwing is waking up!"

Green got up and raced over. "Red! Red, are you okay?" Green began to gently shove the mudwing's body.

"Green? What happened? Are we in Stick City?" Red looked around, shock going onto his face.

"Red, I think it is safe to say we are not in Stick City."

Blaze and Scorch watched the two interact. "These poor kids. Clearly they weren't meant to be here. I wonder what happened, and how they did end up here, instead of this Stick City that they mentioned."

Scorch nodded. "It's clear they aren't from Pyrrhia or even Pantala."

"HOLY STICKS! H-HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! WHAT IS THIS?! HOW IN THE NAME OF BECKER IS THIS LOGICALLY POSSIBLE?!" Suddenly, a voice rang out, drawing everyone's attention over. The owner of the voice was located quickly. It was a bright yellow sandwing. He wore golden glasses, and had odd red stains on his talons. On his back was some sort of holder and in the holder was a staff like thing with an odd cube in it. His face had amazement, and shock written all over it. Laughter came from Red and Green as they got up and walked over to the freaked out sandwing.

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