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"I've got sunshine, on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside, I've got the month of May 
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way? My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl, my girl"

Caroline danced around her apartment while she made breakfast; she was only a few shifts into her placement at Mid-Wilshire but she knew how well she was doing and, more importantly, so did everyone else. At the end of yesterday's shift, Erin had cornered her in the locker room saying she would be stopping by with a 'reward' in the morning but refused to give her any more details than that. Naturally, Caroline had stared her down trying to make her crack but it seemed Erin came prepared as Lucy apparently warned her about Caroline's 'look' in exchange for Erin not telling Tim that Lucy forgot her tie and took one from lost and found. So, answer-less but intrigued, Caroline had decided to kill time with a little music.

"I've got so much honey, the bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song, than the birds in the trees
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way? My girl, my girl, my girl
Talkin' 'bout my girl, my girl"

She poured in the last of the pancake mix to the pan before sliding over to her fridge, rummaging around for any and all possible toppings that Erin might like while making absolutely sure they contained not even the slightest trace of nuts. Sure, that left mainly fruit and maple syrup as the only truly nut-free options after having a minor freak out about the 'may contain' that seemed to be on way too many things she owned in her kitchen but free food was free food. She didn't want to end her win-streak against her fellow rookies by killing her TO a week into the job. 

"I don't need no money, fortune, or fame
I've got all the riches, baby one man can claim
Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?"

Hearing knocking on her door, Caroline danced her way over to open it, too distracted to think that she was only expecting Erin that morning and she hadn't even finished getting ready yet.

"How can I-? Erin? You're.. early" She smiled before she noticed that it wasn't just her TO standing outside her door that morning "and.. in excess?"

"Yeah," Talia and Angela exchanged sly looks "we weren't missing this"

"Okay.." Caroline turned to address Erin, her face slowly slipping into her signature 'but don't you love me?' look as a last ditch attempt to know what her reward was "I'm guessing you're still not telling me where I'm driving to?"

"Nope," Erin smiled, popping the 'p' "and, as your TO, I order you to drop the look"

Caroline rolled her eyes, dramatically sighing, causing a few muffled laughs from the other TOs as she finally widened the opening of the door to allow them in.

"Well," Caroline ignored the way their eyes unintentionally raked over her as they finally noticed she had answered the door in nothing more than her bra and jeans; although, admittedly, she was definitely flustered when Angela raised her eyebrow in a mixture of surprise and approval "you're going to need to fight Erin for a share of the pancakes. I'm going to go finish getting ready"

The three TOs' attention left her pretty quickly at the mention of free food - even Talia wasn't going to turn it down this early in the morning.

"You let her call you Erin?"

"We aren't on shift yet, besides, the woman makes me pancakes"

"She's got a point Talia," Angela had began wandering around the apartment, softly humming along to the music Caroline had left running from earlier "Your rookie has taste.. although, I have no idea how she affords this on her salary"

A Sunday Kind Of Love || Angela LopezWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt