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"7-Adam-5, armed robbery in progress. 3577 Olvera."

Caroline smiled, first call of the day and it was already set to be an interesting shift.

"7-Adam-5, responding, 1 minute out"

She pulls up behind a truck spotting a guard on the ground, injured but not seriously, while the 2 suspects had taken off on foot. One of them loses their footing, stumbling around in an effort to keep running, giving Caroline enough time to get the upper hand.

"Get down! Get down! Flat on the ground. Face down."

Erin walked around and cuffed him, "I got him, Princess. Now run like Cinderella at midnight"

Caroline rolled her eyes as she took off after the second suspect, dodging anyone who decided to freeze rather than move out of her way but she manages to catch up slowly as it becomes more and more difficult for the suspect to manoeuvre himself and the box he was carrying through the crowd.

"Out of the way! Hold it. Show me your hands. Take off that mask nice and slow," he complied, pulling it off and placing the box gently on the ground "Hands behind your head. Interlace your fingers. Do not move."

She begins to frisk him for weapons, pulling him up onto his feet as she looks down at the box, "What's in the box?"

"It's a urine sample for a drug test." Spotting Caroline's genuinely perplexed look he continued, "If it got to the lab, then Bo would've violated his parole and gone back to prison for two years, so we boosted it."

"Well, now he's going away for longer..." She pulled out a small, engagement ring sized box, from his pocket, opening it up to see the shining ring inside "You steal that, too?"

"It was my dad's. I've been trying to work up the courage to propose, but what if he says no? The guy's all I can think about."

Caroline's face blanked him, "He's a drug addict and an ex-con."

They had begun to walk back to the shop, the suspect's expression turning lovesick as his boyfriend and fellow con came into their sights.

"I don't care. I love him."

"Of course you do.."

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"I can't believe you're making me do this"

"Hush, princess," Erin gestured fantastically "they're in love. Besides, you've made me watch the notebook one too many times for you to deny being a hopeless romantic"

"This is hopeless. Not me. I'm just romantic"

Erin lost it at that, only muffling her laughter when the proposing suspect sent a look their way that wordlessly told them to shut it so he could say his piece.

"I love you, Bo Sokolovsky. And I have since the moment that you hit on me at the zoo. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you," casting a look over at Caroline who stared back, unimpressed, he added "...starting in two to five years. Will you marry me?

"Hell, yeah."

By now a crowd had gathered to watch the peculiar scene, cheering as the ring was slid onto Bo's ring finger. The two men hug, Caroline letting it linger for a few seconds before she cut in and began re-cuffing her suspect - Erin doing the same.

"Yeah... I wouldn't get too attached if I were you," Erin said, after acting the way Bo was admiring the ring "I'm gonna need that."

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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