Chapter 4:The Unraveling

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As Jin Mu carries Jae-min out of the temple, he is suddenly surrounded by the Four Seasons, their swords drawn and pointed at him.

"What have you done?" one of them demands, their voice trembling with rage. "You put Jae-min in danger, and now the ancient evil has been unleashed!"

Jin Mu tries to explain, but the Four Seasons are not listening. They are too angry, too consumed by their fear and worry for Jae-min.
Suddenly, Jae-min stirs in Jin Mu's arms, her eyes fluttering open. She takes in the scene around her - the Five Seasons with their swords drawn, the tense silence hanging in the air - and her gaze settles on Jin Mu.

"Wait," she says weakly, struggling to sit up. "It wasn't his fault."

The Five Seasons turn to look at her, their expressions ranging from surprise to disbelief.

Dang-gu: "he put your life in danger!"

Jae-min: "It wasn't his fault."

Choyeon: "What do you mean, Jae-min?"

Seo Yul: "He led us into a trap!"

Jae-min:"meaning it wasn't intentional "

Jae-min looked around at the faces of her friends, her gaze steady and determined. "I know that you have your doubts about Jin Mu," she said, her voice stronger now. "But I believe that he is on our side."

The crown prince stepped forward, his expression skeptical. "And why should we trust your judgment, Jae-min? He has already proven himself untrustworthy once before."

Jae-min met his gaze, her eyes unwavering. "Because I have seen into his soul," she said simply. "And I believe that he wants to protect Songrim as much as we do."

The prince hesitated, glancing over at the Four Seasons, who still looked uncertain. "Very well," he said finally. "But if he betrays us again, the consequences will be severe."

Jin Mu nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
The Four Seasons exchanged glances, their expressions ranging from doubtful to resigned. Finally, Uk sighed and sheathed his sword. "Alright," he said. "But we will be keeping a close eye on you, Jin Mu."

Jin Mu bowed his head respectfully. "I would expect nothing less."

With that, the tension in the air seemed to dissipate, and the group turned their attention back to the matter at hand: the ancient evil that had been unleashed upon the world.
"We need to come up with a plan," Jae-min said, her voice filled with determination. "And we need to do it quickly. The longer we wait, the stronger the evil will grow."

The prince nodded, his expression grim. "Agreed. But we will need more than just our own power to defeat it. We will need allies."

Jin Mu stepped forward, a glint in his eye. "I know of a group of rogue mages who may be willing to help us. They are skilled in the ways of magic and battle, and they have no love for the darkness that threatens us."

The Five Seasons looked at each other, unsure of what to make of Jin Mu's suggestion. "Can we trust them?" Choyeon asked, her voice laced with skepticism.

Jin Mu shrugged. "They are mercenaries, so their loyalty is always for sale. But if we can offer them enough gold, I believe that they will fight for our cause."

Dang-gu frowned, considering Jin Mu's words. "And if they turn on us? If they sell us out to the highest bidder?"

Jin Mu smiled wryly. "Then we will have to kill them. But I have a feeling that they will be more interested in the glory of defeating an ancient evil than in a few pieces of gold."

Seo Yul crossed his arms, his expression hard. "We don't have much choice," he said. "We need all the help we can get if we want to save Songrim."

The prince nodded, his expression resolute. "Very well. Jin Mu, go and find these rogue mages. Offer them whatever they want, as long as they agree to fight by our side."

Jin Mu bowed his head once again, his eyes glinting with a fierce determination. "It will be done, Your Highness."

With that, he turned and disappeared into the forest, leaving the others to begin planning their attack on the ancient evil.
The prince turned to Jae-min, his expression serious. "And what of you, Jae-min? Will you be joining us in battle?"

Jae-min smiled, her eyes gleaming with a fierce light. "You couldn't keep me away if you tried, Your Highness. I will fight for Songrim until my last breath."

The prince nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "I would expect nothing less from a member of the Five Seasons."

And with that, they set to work, planning and strategizing and preparing for the fight of their lives. For they knew that if they failed, Songrim - and perhaps the entire Daeho- would be lost forever.

THE DARK MAGE'S REDEMPTION (Alchemy Of Souls Ff)Jin Mu x Jae-min Female OcWhere stories live. Discover now