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He bursts out laughing. "Hey, Soyeon. Have you officially lost it? That was a funny joke, but seriously, what are you here for? You don't usually visit me, especially here."

I take a deep breath. "Wooseok, I'm not joking. Be my boyfriend." I look straight into the eyes that scream of confusion.

His face suddenly turns serious. "Soyeon, this isn't something you should joke about. What happened to Hyunwook? Everyone knows you're head over heels for him, why are you suddenly asking me out?"

"Can't you just agree..? This is already embarrassing enough for me, Wooseok. I.." I look at him, desperately. "Hyunwook doesn't like me. He just pities me, and is afraid I'll go insane if he rejects me. Wooseok, you know me. Something I absolutely detest is pity."

"What? Hyunwook said..that? Has he really gone nuts this time?" Wooseok stands up, furious. I was a little surprised at his reaction.

"I know he doesn't like you, but how could he be so cruel with his words?!..." He covers his mouth. My eyes widen.

"You knew? You knew he didn't have feelings for me? And you didn't tell me?" I felt betrayed. My closest friend knew that my crush had no feelings for me whatsoever, but decided not to say anything. I must've been such a fool in his mind.

"It's not like that, Soyeon. I thought he'd eventually develop feelings for you, and be touched by your efforts but..I guess not." He puts his hands on both my shoulders, trying to comfort me. "Look, I'll be your fake boyfriend or whatever. If it makes you feel better, I guess."

Hearing this, my emotions skyrocketed in happiness. "Really?!" I shake his shoulders. "You can't go back on your word, okay?! I'm trusting you on this one. I'll be back with the contract and I'll explain everything!"

I rushed out in search for a pen and paper. I needed to make this work. This is the only thing I could think of that could make me redeem myself. This humiliation was something I never wanted to face again, regardless of if it was directly said at me or not.

In the contract it states, "1. Party B should be at call whenever Party A needs them. 2. Party A cannot make Party B do anything that Party B is highly against. 3. Party B should help Party A in things like walking Party A home, holding hands, participating in couple events, buying couple items, etc. 4. Both parties shall not have contact with other genders while this contract is still valid. 5. Any party that violates these rules shall be fined 15M won."

I rushed back to Wooseok to give him a copy of the contract in which he signs. He rolls his eyes. "Soyeon, you really are serious huh. If Hyunwook doesn't like you, what good does this do you anyway?" He asks.

"Well, at least it'll show him I'm not some pathetic girl who sticks onto him like a bug. I'm Soyeon, someone who is dignified." I say.

He smiles. "You're something else, Soyeon." He flicks my forehead, as I rub my head in pain. "But anywho, you should be glad to have me, Byeon Wooseok, as your pretend boyfriend." He brags.

I rolled my eyes as a joke. Wooseok is so unserious in everything he does, I seem to have seen him in a different light this time though. "Just do as your told, Party B." I laugh and run off, waving goodbye to him. I may have said goodbye, but we'll be meeting very soon, my new boyfriend.

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