RG - crashed and burnt

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Regina George fell from grace and you're her knight in shining armour... except you're kind of a loser who has a crush on her. 

Narrator's POV

"Next up, please welcome Santa's Helpers performing Rockin' Around The Pole."

The performance was mediocre at best. It actually wasn't that bad, but the Plastics have been performing the same choreography over the same song since 6th grade. Yes, they were hot, but nobody cared anymore at this point. The only difference this year was that they had a new member and they'd become messier, there was on obvious tension hanging in the air. 

"Yeah, we'll be rockin' and rollin' and lockin' and strollin' till the North Pole police come shut us down--"

A loud bang echoed through the auditorium as Regina George fell flat down on the floor in the middle of the dance, flashing the whole school. The music got cut off. Gasps, followed by laughter filled the room. Everyone had their phones out, recording every bit of the Queen Bee's embarrassment. 

Regina stayed on the floor, too horrified and shocked to even move. Gretchen, Karen and Cady scrambled to the side as Mr Duvall took the stage to address the audience that the Winter Talent Show had come to an abrupt end. Ms Norbury tried to help Regina stand up but the blonde just ignored her.

Everything happened in a blur. Lots of commotion happened around her. Everyone got escorted out of the auditorium. Numerous teachers came to check up on her. Regina hadn't uttered a word since her fall.

Probably two hours have passed until most people have left. Regina sat against the wall on the stage, hugging her knees to herself, still with the same blank expression on her face. She just publically humiliated herself and everyone was making fun of her. Even the lowest losers of the lower food chain pointed their dirty little fingers at her while laughing. How the fuck did this happen?

A Y/E/C-eyed girl stayed by the shadows, studying the (literally fallen) Queen Bee behind the curtains. She worked backstage for the talent show and offered to stay behind to clean everything up, and since Mr Duvall noticed she was the only one not turning this whole thing into a circus, he let her.

Y/N had always had a tiny crush on Regina George. But it was mostly admiring her from afar, she never intended to do anything about it or even talk to her in general.

This was different though.

Taking a deep breath, she walked forward and quietly sat down next to the blonde. Regina didn't react, didn't even try to acknowledge her, she just stayed staring out at the empty audience. Y/N made herself comfortable and did the same. They sat in silence like that for what felt like eternities. It became obvious that this girl wasn't here to make fun of her. Regina turned to glance at her. "Y/N, right?" At the Y/E/C-eyed girl's nod, she continued. "What did I do wrong?" she asked in a small vulnerable voice.

A lot, actually. Y/N saw how Regina yelled at Gretchen and upset Karen seconds prior to the performance, and 80% of the audience was praying for her downfall. But she figured this wasn't exactly what the blonde wanted to hear right now. She couldn't even say it was an accident to comfort her because she saw Gretchen push her.

Regina noticed that the Y/E/C-eyed girl couldn't come up with anything to say either and shook her head. "You don't have to say anything."

"Maybe they'll forget about it soon?" Y/N attempted hesitatingly. 

"Are you really that fucking naive?" Regina huffed out, annoyed. She picked up her phone that was lying next to her and shoved it in Y/N's face. It had buzzed with so many notifications that she stopped checking a long while ago. She was the topic in every group chat, on every social media platform and private story, and even managed to go viral on three different TikToks. Y/N read the notifications, surprised. She knew Regina was popular among their peers and even a bit of a social media influencer, but she didn't know it would get this bad. She opened her mouth but not much seemed to come out. Yeah... Regina had definitely lost her status and had become the mock of the North Shore now. "It's-- uhm."

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