RG - august pt. 2

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"How do we expect to be anything when we don't try to be anything? And why the hell do you always ignore me when I'm calling, are you busy doing better things?" august by Chase Atlantic. 

Narrator's POV

[1:12 PM] Y/N: heyy wanna grab coffee together? 

delivered on Tuesday

Y/N stared at the text on her screen, sadness and resentment filling her guts. It was Friday now, she's been left on delivered for three days. It was unfortunate that she knew Regina so well, that girl had her phone glued to her hand 85% of the time and she only had two friends (who both went on a family vacation) - she knew Regina was ghosting her on purpose. 

"She still hasn't replied?"

"No," murmured Y/N. She looked away from her phone and huffed. She knew she was overthinking this, but how could she not? Deep down, she's always had this gut feeling that this situationship would end as abruptly as it started, Regina would get bored of her sooner or later.

"Come on, Y/N, you're overthinking this." "Nothing had happened between you guys, right? There's no reason for her to be avoiding you." Her friends all tried to reason her out of it but it was no use.

Y/N mustered up a smile and shook her head. "Guys, don't worry, I'm fine." It really didn't come out as reassuring as she had intended in her mind.

It's been three weeks since Y/N last saw Regina. At this point, it was clear it wasn't just some simple overthinking anymore. A couple of teenagers, some fake IDs and a bunch of alcohol really was a bad idea. But they all knew Y/N needed it to keep herself somewhat 'sane'. "I shouldn't text her, right?" Y/N slurred out, she was barely holding onto her phone in her hand.

Her friend immediately pointed at the phone. "No! Give me that. You're not texting Regina." She lurged forward.

"Okay, okay, fine. I won't text her!" Y/N quickly inferred, turning away to keep her phone to herself. She was most definitely texting that girl tonight. "Guys, stop staring at me like that, you're making me nervous!"

"What are you thinking right now?"

"Regina, obviously," her best friend answered for her.

Y/N rolled her eyes. She slumped back down on the couch and groaned out loud. "I'm just... so confused. Was any of it real?" she puffed out.

"What?" "What do you mean?" "What?"

Y/N lazily sat up again. Her mind was so dazed right now, it wasn't helping. But even without the alcohol, she's already confused herself about the reality. "Was any of it real?" she repeated in a small voice. "Me and Regina. Did we actually happen or have I just made it up?"

Her friend shot up too, concerned. "Are you, like, experiencing psychosis or some shit right now?"

Y/N gave her an unamused look. "No," she deadpanned. "It's just... no one's ever actually seen us together. Okay well, you guys kinda have but you didn't see how we interacted. What if I just misread everything heavily?" she attempted to explain. "What if I just... I don't know, like imagined half of our memories together?" She knew that it was real, but her brain was trying so hard to reason how Regina could ghost her that easily after everything. This was the easiest explanation even though she had to ascribe herself as crazy. 

"Well, first of all, we have seen you interact because we've literally hung out together twice," her friend argued. "You guys literally excluded yourselves from us and were giggling and talking to each other for the entire afternoon. I've never even heard you talk that much in the three years I've known you."

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