Chapter 11

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Jackson-5 years ago

The notification on his phone alerted him to a text from his now girlfriend, Lettie. Well, he guessed she was his girlfriend, it had only been 6 months and she was sweet. At only 24 he was nowhere near ready to settle down, and Lettie, well she looked at him like he hung the stars and the moon. Like he held the answer to life's questions in the palm of his hand, he loved that. He could admit to himself that he was a little bit of an asshole. Okay, a lot of an asshole. His business was booming, and people looked at him with respect, came to him for advice, hell, even business loans. He is climbing in the ranks to be a multi-millionaire in the next year. Take that dad, you old dead bastard. If only you could see me now, successful. Running my own business, I could make my own hours. I had more money in the bank than I ever thought possible. Never had to worry about where my next meal was coming from, or if there'd be enough water left over for me to shower that day.

 Dad cared about one thing, and one thing only. Alcohol. Started when he woke up in the morning, and ended when he fell asleep, if we were lucky, he'd pass out on the sofa by midafternoon. Mom finally got sick of the beatings he would lay into her when I turned 10, packed a suitcase and left. Don't think she ever even bothered to think about taking me with her, I mean why would she? I was just a waste of space, it's what I'd been hearing my whole life. When she left, she took dad's favorite punching bag with her, so I became dads new favorite past time. I guess I should be thankful, without him I wouldn't have had the drive to become as successful as I am. My phone pinged again alerting me I still had an unread text message bringing me back to the present.

Lettie: What are you plans for this Friday? Hopefully nothing too dangerous 😉

I typed out one of my typical sweet messages to her,

"Just working Lettie, there is nothing else to do until you're back."

I let my mind wander to Lettie. She really was something else, she had walls built around her so tightly, but she was very clearly in love with me. She worked some job at an art gallery or something or other that caused her to travel, so she only popped on by for a few days at a time here and there. But it was clear she thought we were serious with hearts in her eyes every time she looked at me. I was an asshole for not ending it, but I didn't care. We'd only been dating six months, and I made no promises to her, we'd never even had the are we an official couple talk? I knew she thought we were, but since she'd never put it out there, I just shrugged my indiscretions off. She never said anything about being exclusive, although I knew Lettie wasn't off fucking some guy on her work trips. My mind instantly recalled a conversation with her a few weeks prior.

"Do you believe in soulmates Jacks?" She whispered so low I could barely hear her.

We were standing in my kitchen where I was cooking breakfast, so my back was turned towards her. I didn't have to look at her to know that her beautiful face was lost in thought, and she was more asking the questions to herself than me. I found Lettie doing this a lot, letting her walls down unknowingly and then being horrified to be caught asking such things as she couldn't believe she let the words out of her mouth.

"Sure Lettie, I could believe in soulmates." I turned to look over at her and winked and caught her blush that spread over her cheeks. She was so damn beautiful.

I knew she was talking about us, and I still didn't end it, and I should have. I wasn't ready to be tied down, and with my upbringing, the thought of ever getting married was repulsive to me. But the thought of giving up Lettie made my blood boil. Lettie was perfect, in her soft-spoken words, her no fuss, no drama. Our movie days or lazy Sundays. No. I would not be giving that up. If Lettie knew the truth and knew that forever with me just wasn't an option. She would leave, and I could not allow that to happen.

"Knock, Knock." Olivia, my personal assistant knocked on my door.

"Burning the midnight oil?" As her painted red fingernail pointed to the papers spread over my desk.

No, I thought internally, I'm trying to find a way to make sure my girlfriend doesn't find out what an absolute fuck I am, so she doesn't leave me.

"Yeah, I guess I am. Got nothing better to do anyway tonight." I said with a shrug.

"Would you like some company?" She gestured again to the paperwork.

I knew what that meant.

I let my eyes rake over her appearance, she was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white satin blouse that was translucent enough if I focused hard enough, I could see the rosy hue of her nipples. The thought of Lettie finding out what a piece of shit I am had set a nervous energy coursing through my body that I could not shake, maybe I needed to release some of this energy.

I quirked my lips up in a half smile. "Sure, have a seat, Olivia."

We worked into the night and it was a blur of paperwork and spread sheets, I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't notice her chair scooting closer and closer to my side of the desk and using the excuse she couldn't read the numbers this late at night. I didn't brush her hand away when she grabbed my thigh, then my arm, and I didn't tell her no when she told me she missed seeing me naked. We'd never hooked up often, but a few times here and there over the years. And no, this wasn't my first time with her since I started seeing Lettie, but that was just one time after our fourth date, it was just another avenue of release for me. No feelings involved.

The next few hours were a blur of pleasure,

Her hand on my arm and chest,

My head between her legs lapping up her juices,

My cock in her dripping went cunt, and I had to admit it felt so good at the time.

I vaguely remember hearing my phone pinging with an unread alert, but I didn't care, I was too lost in the feel of a wet pussy to care.

After, when Olivia was getting dressed and I was disposing of the used condom, my phone pinged again. I reached for it, noticing it was Lettie and a smile crossed my face before I opened the message, it was sent with an attachment. Sometimes she sent me pictures of the places she had to go. I opened the message and my face drained of all color.

"I hope her greedy pussy was worth it."

I clicked the video link and pressed play, already knowing what I'd see.

I didn't have to worry about breaking things off with Lettie or someone telling her the truth, she'd already found out herself.

"You okay, handsome?" Olivia asked and she reached for me again.

I visibly recoiled away from her touch fighting the urge to vomit.

"Get the fuck out Olivia, now." My voice dripping with Malice.

It wasn't her fault per say, but right now I needed someone to blame other than my foolishness. I had taken Lettie to a few events here and there, even though she always fought me on going. I always wanted to show her off. Olivia knew I was in a relationship, but she still tried anyway. Not that that mattered. This was on me; I was the one who was a cheating fucking scumbag.

"Excuse me? Were you not just cumming inside my pussy five minutes ago? What's wrong with you?" she all but screamed in my face. Olivia was dramatic. Unlike Lettie.

Fuck. Lettie.

Thankfully my offices were on the first floor, I took off at an impossible speed leaving Olivia and her fit behind me, but by the time I made it out the front she was gone, the only indication she had been there was the video I now had on my phone.

I must have called or texted her thousands of times before I realized she was never going to respond. I went to her apartment the next day only to find it completely clear of stuff, I went to the art gallery she had claimed to be a buyer for but she either never worked there or they refused to give me any details. What the fuck.

I finally hired a private investigator to investigate her, I had to find her so I could explain everything, make it right. It drove me crazy at night not being able to find her, hold her. The phrase you don't know what you got until it's gone never ringing truer in my life. Weeks turned to months, months turned to years, and I finally realized that Lettie was never coming back.

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