Chapter 21

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-This is a short chapter-

Marks POV-Present day

You never cared about money before. You never cared about money before. You never cared about money before.

Collette's words ping ponged back and forth in my head as the car made its way back to the warehouse located in the outer city limits. A slip of the tongue and Collette was too damn good to not notice. You would be right, Little one, but someone is destroying my host homes and that's where the real money comes in. Millions of dollars a year. This side of the business, the somewhat decent side, brings in only a quarter of that. Not enough. Not enough to build the legacy I want.

Collette was supposed to take over all aspects of my business, I had molded her into who I wanted, but she was always soft. She cared too much about right and wrong, I had done my very best to beat it out of her as a child, I put her extensively through rigorous training for years, I'd held her accountable for all her actions and indiscretions no matter how small. And still, she chose to defy me. It had taken a while for the chips to fall where they may, but when I saw her interest in Jackson. I'd broken every bone in her body and still she would not bend, but what would she do if her heart was broken?

My phone rang prompting me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered curtly.

"Boss, we have a problem." Enzos voice rang through the phone.

"And what might that be?"

"The new site, the place you were scoping out in San Fransisco?"

"Yes?" Not liking where this was headed.

"It's's just...rubble."

"WHAT?" I demanded, "When? How long?"

"I'd say it was decimated about 3 or 4 days ago."

"And the girls?"


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