Chapter 11

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 "Can I start working again?", Eun-woo asked or more like murmured, keeping her head down. 

"What?", Hoseok spoke, unable to hear the frightened soul

"Eun-woo si, can you please repeat it louder?", he asked, this time trying to keep his voice soft and low as not to spook the already shivering girl.

" I asked, i..f  I c..can sss...start wor..working again?", Eun-woo repeated herself, her voice bit louder but stammering a lot. 

" I uh... I w... was also working ba..back at the K... Kwon mansion. I promise I can manage all the task and my job together. And I can work from my room, never needing to go out or anything. I promise I won't cause any problem or interfere with anyone's business", Eun-woo spoke, her shaky voice slowly gaining strength and an unknown passion, something which she had talking about her work. 

"Wow, this is the longest I have heard you talk Eun-woo si. You must really have put too much thought in this matter", Hoseok spoke jokingkly, his voice light with that everlasting sunshine smile on his face. 

"I...", Eun-woo was lost for words.

"It is okay Eun-woo si. I am happy to see you are this passionate about your work and are ready to start working. Speaking of which, you don't need mine or anyone's permission to start working or doing anything in this house. Like I have said before, the only time you had permission or more like make someone aware is just when you go out and that is more of for security reason than anything else", Hoseok said softly. He was now sitting on the second visiting chair, offering comfort to the scared girl. Again for nth time Hoseok asked himself, what exactly has this poor girl undergone for her to be always scared, tensed and expecting the worse. 

"Thank you", the black haired girl spoke, her voice barely above whisper, but somehow Hoseok understood. He understood that this thankyou was not only for "letting" her work, (even if she is independent and free to do whatever she wants), but also for this entire month. 

" You don't have to thank me Eun-woo si. I am just doing my job. By the way, if you don't mind me asking, what is that you do?", Hoseok asked, genuinely curious as to what works she does that she never need to leave the house, for as far as he can remember Eun-woo worked in healthcare. A very hands on industry. 

" Oh, umm, I am a academician and a researcher. I work in collaboration with Seoul National College and Seoul City Hospital. I take online lectures and then carry out the technical part of the research work. I mean, it might sound boring, but I really enjoy being part of research and helping new minds  develop and channelise their mind in right direction. Along with that, I am a licensed psychologist and I conduct online therapy session twice a week privately and thrice a week  as a employee at the hospital.", Eun-woo said, her voice for the first time in the past month being slightly louder than whisper. There was a ghost of smile on her face when she was explaining her job. It seems like the brown-eyed petite girl really loves her job as she was looking in Hoseok's voice while talking and never once did she cower in fear.  

"Wow, daebak. I don't know about boring, but that do sound very hectic. You must be very hard-working and enjoy your job a lot Eun-woo si", the almond eyed sunshine replied. 

" I do, it is the only thing which kept me sane and gave me a purpose to live for the past few years", Eun-woo wanted to say, but only managed to do was a meek nod, going back to her shell. 

" Was this the reason you wanted to meet me?", Hoseok questioned, raising an eyebrow up. 

"Very well then. Oh, since you are here, would you mind choosing a room to convert for your office? There are a couple of spare ones in the hallway right opposite to this one, or there are some near the library as well.", Hoseok spoke, now standing up and going back to his seat. 

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