Chapter 12

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"Taehyung si, where are we going?", asked a confused Eun-woo being dragged by an excited bear towards the driveway where, as the boxy-smiled boy mentioned earlier, Jungkook was waiting near an expensive wine colour car. 

"Shopping hyungsu", he replied, opening the door to the backseat of the car. With a dejected sigh, Eun-woo climbed in, although still confused as to why she was here between the youngest couple. 

"Hi, Kookie. Sorry, we were late. Hyungsu and Hobi hyung were talking", Taehyung said, giving a small peck to the younger one's pouting lips. 

"It's okay hyung. Let us go now. Are you ready hyungsu?", Jungkook said, his pout immediately transferred into an adorable bunny and a light blush coating his cheeks. Honestly, if the situation were different, Eun-woo would have cooed at the cute sight. 

"I guess I am. But I still don't know where we are going and why I am here Jungkook si.", Eun-woo replied, her voice a bit more strong. It seems like due to the younger duo's quiet and friendly nature, the chocolate brown-eyed girl had become far more soft and comfortable around the youngest couple.

"Oh, I thought Tae Huyngie might have explained", the bunny-smiled boy said, looking at his now sheepish fiance, who was avoiding eye contact. 

"We are just going around the mall Hyungsu. We figured you might need things for your new room. You know basic things, some decorations, some organising thingies and maybe some clothes and other products.", Jungkook explained or more like asked, unsure if their Hyungsu was comfortable giving with them. 

"I did not say because I thought if I had explained, you would have denied yet again. But now since we are already on our way, let us just have a look around Hyungsu.", the sheepish boy said, now clarifying his lack of explanation. 

"But Taehyung si, Jungkook si...", Eun-woo started only to be cut off by Taehyung saying, "I don't need anything. We know Hyungsu, but don't you need things for your new room? Utensils for the kitchen? Some bedding, curtains, carpets, furniture, Oh and supplies for your office?", he continued, turning around to look at the petite girl. It is true though, she does require all of these things. And for the past couple of days, the members have asked her on multiple occasions if she requires something and she answered with a no. But you can not really blame the poor girl. I mean she had gone from not having the right to ask for even what she could wear for the last couple of years, to being given almost all her freedom back. Sometimes, the black-haired would question if this is all a dream, if are there any hidden motives or if really, these seven boys are her angel in disguise. She is unknowingly hoping, wishing, almost begging for the last one to be the case, not having any more strength for another betrayal. 

"Yes, and, wait office?", Jungkook questioned, not understanding the reason why their Hyungsu required office supplies. His voice brought her out of her thoughts. I am really getting lost in my head quite often, the round-faced girl thought. 

"Oh right. Hyungsu is going to start work soon. I kind of might have overheard her conversation with Hobi Hyung.", Taehyung said, a bit sheepish at being caught eavesdropping. 

"Seriously hyung", Jungkook asked unamused with a done face. 

"Sorry, Hyungsu. It was really a mistake", Taehyung said, feeling guilty at overhearing a private conversation.

"Oh no, it is fine Taehyung si. It is not like my work is a secret. I am sure sooner or later everybody might have known about it.", Eun-woo said, her voice soft and comforting. She did not want this innocent soul to feel bad about something being done unintentionally. I mean it is not like Taehyung was deliberately listening. Right?

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