Chapter 28- HI

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~HI P.O.V~
Pain and explosions and gas and booze and hangovers.
I never wanted to leave my room again.
I lay on my bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, wondering how long it would take my mother to storm in and demand I did something with myself.
Sighing heavily, I crawled over to my desk and sat down in front of the computer, intending on logging on and watching anime until someone gave me something better to do.
But my Mac had restarted to download updates, switching on to the user accounts instead of my logon screen.
That was the exact moment I remembered that Cole had an account on my computer.
I stared at the little icon blankly, the little picture of a crudely edited wolf that now vaguely resembled an emo. I remembered the two of us sitting for hours on sumopaint, trying and failing to edit the picture, and didn't really register that I was logging in to her account until her wallpaper was staring me right in the face.
The four of us, posing on the jetty.
Memories assaulted me instantly; Ben tossing Cole in the water, Cole screaming and dragging me in with her, Ben grabbing Shelton and bombing in after us.
Another day; bonfire night. The entire population of Morris trekking up to the high point to set off fireworks. Ben grabbing Cole, whispering something in her ear, tears sliding down her cheeks as she yanked him forwards and kissed him, not caring who was watching.
He'd told her he loved her, he'd meant it. Anyone could see they were the perfect couple, destined to be together. It would have been rude of me not to take a picture of them.
I clicked on her pictures, swiping a hand across my eyes, and scrolled through them, smiling softly at the memories. Crude selfies taken after one too many cans of coke, photos taken when we went hiking during summer two years ago, stupid poses taken during a week long sleepover at Calla's that really was not meant to be a week long.
Loading the safari, I was hit with a warning screen.
Facebook, threatening to close her account after so long in disuse.
I shook my head, dismissing the window and logging in with her email.
I couldn't let it get closed down.
But after I hit enter, another window popped up, that actually made my blood run cold at the implications.
'Action could not be completed, this account is already in use on another engine.'
I stared at the message, eyes wide, and felt stone cold terror seep through my veins.
Someone, somewhere, was using Cole's Facebook.

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