Tooth And Nail

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"Keep in mind that this is a recovery mission. We're supposed to cover the others as they retreat and we're not pushing forward anymore until the situation is more clear. I'm looking at you, Phoenix." Sage said, shooting a pointed glare at the man.

"Oh come on. Even I know this is serious." Phoenix huffed, turning his head away from the healer.

Neon bounced her knee anxiously and listened to the hum of the airship. After they received a distress signal from Reyna's team, their ragtag backup group had to be pulled together rather suddenly. She was beyond worried that everyone had gotten wiped out. Fade sat next to her, and she nearly jumped when she felt a hand placed on her thigh, stopping her bouncing immediately in its tracks as she looked over at her girlfriend in confusion. But the Turkish woman had her eyes up and away from her so Neon immediately took this as a sign to not draw attention to it.

"Can we go over everything one more time? I just want to make sure I'm ready." Neon requested, turning her head back towards Sage.

The monk nodded.

"We received a distress signal from here not even an hour ago. The team sent here earlier was comprised of Reyna, Killjoy, and Iso. They were supposed to disable a spike planted by Omega and the last time we communicated, it seems like they succeed. But from my understanding, they were ambushed by Omega before they could recover the spike and return. Two are fatally wounded, which is why I'm here. The last time we were able to contact them, it seems like Reyna is the only one still in fighting condition. We do have their coordinates." Sage said, lifting up the device in her hands.

"This is why I'm saying that I should've been sent with them! They wouldn't have gotten ambushed if I had been there!" Phoenix interrupted, clearly still annoyed from having been previously removed from the mission due to last minute adjustments.

"If you had gone with them then they would've been ambushed much faster." Neon said, glancing at the fire radiant.

"Okay, I don't need to hear commentary from the peanut gallery." He said, shooting her a glare.

But Neon was quick to notice how his glare turned slightly behind her and then shifted into a look of fear before he turned his head away. She was confused as why at first before she turned her head back to look at Fade. Once she saw the absolutely murderous look in her eyes, she shivered. She loved her but she never ceased to remind everyone that she was once the enemy of the protocol. This woman was menacing. Thankfully, once Fade noticed that Neon was looking at her, her expression softened and she smiled.

"Something wrong?" She asked, feigning innocence.

Neon chuckled and shook her head.

"Okay...continuing. The surrounding area has been evacuated due to the uncertainty involving the Omega agents. We don't know how many there are but our focus is not to go hunting for them. Not yet at least. We need to recover our fallen and make sure they can get to safety. As the one in charge of this mission, I'll make the call of whether we will need to track down the remaining enemies. Am I clear?" Sage said, glancing around the group.

There were multiple nods. Neon went over the information in her head as she tried to think of possible ways she could use her abilities to her advantage. They were going to be in a shipping yard so there was obviously going to be shipping containers and a couple large warehouse buildings nearby. She probably won't have much room to run unless she wanted to slam into multiple things each time she turned a corner. So she would need to rely on whatever weapon she picked out today.

"We're approaching the landing sight. I'm gonna drop you guys in and land the ship somewhere else." KAY/O shouted to them from the cockpit.

"Alright. Everyone grab your weapons. Please stick to sidearms and rifles for right now. We need more close and medium range for the time being." Sage instructed.

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