Chapter 2

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TW: slight violence, needles and death

The relentless rain pounds against the windowpanes of the examination room, creating a steady, melancholic rhythm. He glances at the clock: 10:15 AM. His patient, Mrs. Lee, was due in any moment.

Mrs. Lee wasn't new to his practice, but she wasn't exactly a regular patient either. Their connection went beyond the boundaries of a dentist-patient relationship. It was a clandestine affair, a web of stolen glances and whispered desires that thrived and turned into something more illicit. The thrill of their encounters was undeniable, but today, something felt different.

Entering the room quietly, her ruby red lips curl into a seductive smile as she sashays towards him, her high heels clicking a staccato rhythm against the polished floor.

"Dr. Jeong," she purrs, her voice dripping with velvety caress. "You have no idea how much I've been looking forward to our appointment."

Yunho offers a charming smile, his dark eyes gleaming behind his frames in acknowledgment.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Lee. Although, your husband wouldn't be very pleased to hear that."

She rolls her eyes and chuckles. "Oh, lighten up, doctor. That didn't stop you from fucking me senseless the other night."

Sauntering towards him, she places her palm on his chest, running it up and down smoothly. She leans in closer, the swell of her breasts brushing up against his arm. Yunho flinches as her hand brushes against him. The contact sent a jolt of sudden repulsion through him. His jaw clenches, the cheerful facade he had maintained, now cracking under the pressure of her unwelcome touch.

"How about you do me on your desk again?" she murmurs into his ear. Yunho's hands clench into fists at his sides, his patience and interest wearing thin. In one swift motion, he grabs her wrist and ushers her into the grey dental chair.

"Actually, Mrs. Lee," he says, his voice colder than usual. "According to your dental records, you have a wisdom tooth causing you some discomfort." He states matter-of-factly, ignoring her advances and hastily wearing his white long-sleeve apron.

Her eyebrows furrow slightly. The wisdom tooth extraction was supposed to be a quick procedure, a mere formality before their usual rendezvous.

"Yes, that's right," she says, her voice laced with a hint of doubt. "But surely there's another way—"

Yunho turns to her in his revolving chair, snapping the blue latex gloves onto his hands, the sound echoing throughout the room.

"The extraction will be over before you know it, I promise." His eyes form into crescents as the white surgical mask conceals his sarcastic smile.

Mrs. Lee's confident gaze, earlier laced with flirtation, now glimmers with unease. "Are you sure this won't hurt, doctor?" Her voice trembles, her perfectly manicured nails digging into the armrests.

The weight of the familiar question settles on his shoulders like an old, burdensome cloak. A glint of annoyance sparks in his eyes, quickly replacing it with a neutral gaze. He braces himself to deliver the same answer yet again, a sigh escaping his lips.

"Local anaesthesia will numb the area, darling. You won't feel a thing." Yunho roughly plunges the needle with the local anaesthetic into her gum near the throbbing wisdom tooth.

She yelps in surprise, wincing at the sharp pain. A forced calmness washes over her, her breaths evening out as the numbing sensation crept in. "That feels... strange," she slurs, the words thick on her tongue.

"See? Nothing to worry about," Yunho mocks, his voice devoid of emotion.

The familiar hum of the drill starts, a white noise that usually lulls his patients into a sense of security. Today, it was a chilling melody for Yunho, a reminder of the darkness he so desperately craves.

"Good," she mumbles. "Maybe we can continue later... over at my place?"

Yunho's smile vanishes.

The stimulation of their forbidden affair had soured, leaving a cold indifference. His annoyance growing quickly over time due to her clinginess. The initial spark became a smouldering ember of disgust, as the mere thought of giving her any attention now repulsed him.

Ignoring her for the second time, he proceeds with the extraction, his movements graced with practice and precision. Yet, something went wrong.

A sudden shift in Mrs. Lee's head causes the tooth to crack, resulting in a hairline fracture that splinters into several sharp shards. Yunho clicks his tongue in annoyance at the sudden predicament.

His fingers wielding the metal tools, skilled and steady from years of dentistry, hover inches from the fractured tooth. A chilling calm settles over him. This accident, this vulnerability—it was the perfect opportunity. The urge to rid himself of her has been persistent, growing longer with each passing day. Now, with her vulnerability exposed, it loomed like a grim realisation, an opportunity as dark as it was convenient.

"It seems we have a bit of a complication, Mrs. Lee," he taunts, the familiar darkness clouding his thoughts.

Her eyes snap open, a wave of panic rushing over her. "Complication? What do you mean?"

Yunho dismisses her question as he retrieves a vial filled with a clear liquid.

This concoction, a deadly cocktail of sedatives he and his partner had formulated one time too many, was a silent executioner he used way too well. He stabs the needle directly into her jugular vein, the sharp prick eliciting a squeal from Mrs. Lee's drugged stupor.

"Wh-what are you doing?" She chokes out, a flash of terror replacing the confusion in her eyes.

His finger brushes against her trembling lips, silencing her.

"Hush, darling," he shushes with a chilling whisper. "This won't take long."

As Yunho injects the clear liquid, Mrs. Lee's body convulses slightly, a silent scream trapped behind her sedated lips. Her breathing hitches, growing shallow and erratic.

He tilts his head, silently watching with excitement as her body struggles to fight against the lethal dose right in front of him. Yunho wasn't afraid. He revels in the power he wields over her life—the ability to snuff it out with such calculated ease.

"There, there," he coos as he pats her head down mockingly. "You had it coming, you know? You cheating whore." He reasons with himself.

Mrs. Lee's eyes widen in terror, her chest rising and falling in a desperate fight for air. Yet the sedative and the high dose coursing through her veins rendered her helpless. Her breaths grew shallow, creating a fading rhythm. Within moments, she went limp, her lifeless body slumping in the chair.

He had done it again. The monster within him had claimed another victim, a chilling reminder of the darkness that lurks beneath his facade.

Yunho stares blankly at the woman, his emotions mirroring her inert body in the chair. There was not an ounce of remorse or regret.

He peels off the disposable mask and gloves, discarding them in the silver waste bin.

Yunho strolls towards the small computer desk, his hand reaching over for the telephone. Dialling the familiar number like it was second nature, he leans against the front of the desk, phone in hand, and against his ear.

After three approximate rings, a voice, deep and monotonous, finally answers.

"Yes?" the voice rumbles.

A heavy sigh escapes Yunho's lips, a sound laden with a complex muddle of emotions—relief, with a hint of burden.

"There's been an accident," Yunho began, his voice low and measured.

"I need a cleanup. Now."


A/N: Soo any guesses on who he might be? Sorry if the story seems like it's dragging, but i promise the interactions between Yunho and y/n will start to fall through from the next chapter onwards!

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