Chapter 3

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TW: blood, graphic depictions of gore, mentions of animal cruelty

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm, fresh pastries wafts through the air, a unity of deliciousness that danced with the chatter of lunchtime patrons. It was 12:30 PM, the heart of the lunchtime rush. 

Sunlight streams through the large front windows of Wonderland Cafe, bathing the interior in a warm, golden glow. The flare of the sunny rays illuminates the mismatched furniture—a collection of vintage finds you had lovingly scoured from flea markets and antique stores. Mismatched, yes, but it all fits together perfectly, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. And you wouldn't have it any other way. 

Fairy lights twinkle overhead, strung across exposed brick walls adorned with local, quirky artwork. The air hums with conversations, a cheerful cacophony of laughter, and clinking spoons against ceramic mugs, creating a vibrant soundscape that pulses with the bustling lunchtime crowd.

Wonderland Cafe wasn't just a cafe; it was your dream come true. Orphaned at a young age, you had always craved a sense of community, a place where people could gather, share stories, and feel a sense of belonging. But amidst the uncertainties, one constant remains—your love for baking. The warmth of your grandmother's kitchen, filled with the scent of cinnamon and sugar, had been your sanctuary. It was there, amongst flour-dusted counters and the comforting rhythm of the whisk against the bowl, that you found solace and a purpose. 

After years of saving every penny you earned through waitressing and the odd jobs here and there, you'd finally scraped together enough to open this haven for caffeine and conversation, a place where everyone felt welcome.

Behind the counter, you expertly juggle orders. Your hair is pulled back into a loose bun, a tendril escaping to curl playfully against your cheek. You move around swiftly with ease—scooping coffee beans, pouring steaming milk, and arranging pastries on plates—all with a warm smile that could melt even the grumpiest morning grouch. You were a whirlwind of energy, your bright eyes sparkling with the same enthusiasm you poured into every cup of coffee. 

Conveniently located a few blocks from Yunho's dental practice, Wonderland Cafe has become a local favorite, a place for weary souls seeking a caffeine fix and a slice of homemade happiness. The proximity to his clinic was purely coincidental, though a strange twist of fate considering your upcoming appointment at 1:00 PM. The afternoon rush was at its peak, with the queue snaking its way down the counter. 

"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down there, sunshine!" A teasing voice booms, breaking your concentration.

You spin around, a laugh escaping your lips as you meet the playful gaze of your best friend and right-hand man.

Wooyoung, a human sparkplug personified, leans nonchalantly against the counter. His long, black hair was slicked back, a few rebellious strands falling perfectly over his forehead and eyes. Despite his sharp features, his infectious laugh and boundless energy could brighten the gloomiest day. It was during a particularly gruelling waitressing job that your friendship blossomed. Connecting over your shared love of baking and all things food, you two became an inseparable duo.

"Wooyoung, my knight in shining barista armour! You're a lifesaver," you exclaim, his presence easing your nerves. "Look, I know this is short notice, but I have a dentist appointment in thirty minutes." You wince, self-consciously touching the jagged edge of your front tooth.

Wooyoung raises an eyebrow. "Everything alright, sunshine? You seem a little on edge." He asks softly, with concern.

You let out a heavy sigh. "It's just my dentist, you know? There's something about him that—"

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