Chapter 4

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The image of Wooyoung's closeness and your blushing response seared into Yunho's mind, a relentless tormentor in the quiet hours of the night. He tossed and turned in his bed, his thoughts a maelstrom of jealousy and possessiveness. The memory replayed itself in his mind endlessly, each iteration fuelling his rage. He couldn't shake the feeling that Wooyoung posed a threat, an unwelcome intruder in his burgeoning connection with you.

Determined to assert his presence, Yunho resolved to visit Wonderland Cafe. It was the perfect excuse to observe you in your element, to determine and observe the depth of your relationship with Wooyoung, and to subtly mark his territory. He would make his first visit a casual one, feigning innocent curiosity about the cafe while secretly studying your interactions.

Yunho found himself pacing the polished floor of his clinic, his mind consumed with thoughts of you. Mingi observed him from the doorway, his forearm leaning against the frame with a knowing smirk playing on his lips.

"Something on your mind, Yunho?" He asks with amusement.

"It's that woman from the other day," Yunho admits with a low growl, turning to him. "The one with the chipped tooth."

Mingi raises an eyebrow. "Ah, the charming cafe owner. What about her?"

"There's something different about her," Yunho muses, his gaze fixed on a distant point. "She's different. She's... innocent. Warm. There's a light in her eyes that I've never seen before."

Mingi chuckles, his skepticism evident. He shifts on his feet, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't tell me you're developing feelings for her, Yunho. You know how this always ends." He warns, his tone dropping low.

Yunho remained silent, his jaw tightening at the unpleasant reminder. Mingi's words struck a nerve, resurrecting memories Yunho preferred to keep buried—both figuratively and literally. He knew Mingi was right. His history with women was a trail of momentary infatuations and broken hearts, each one buried six feet under, courtesy of Mingi, of course. But with you, it was different. You ignited a visceral urge within him—a deep-rooted desire to possess and protect. You weren't just another fleeting infatuation; you were something more, something he was determined to hold onto and couldn't ignore.

"I'm going to visit her cafe today," Yunho declares with unwavering determination.

Mingi simply shrugs, his eyes glinting with a knowing cynicism behind his thick frames. "Suit yourself," he drawls. "But don't say I didn't warn you."

The familiar chime of Wonderland Cafe's door chimed merrily, announcing a new arrival. You instinctively glance up from the cloud of steam swirling around your milk frother, your heart skipping a beat as your eyes meet Yunho's. He stood tall in the doorway, his silhouette poised against the active London streets behind him. A white shirt clinged to his upper half, while tailored slacks hugged his long legs. His raven hair, neatly parted and swept away from his face, highlighted the sharp angles of his jawline and the intelligence in his dark eyes, framed by the usual silver-rimmed glasses. A tentative smile graced his lips, momentarily softening his enigmatic aura.

"Yunho!" you exclaim, your face lighting up with genuine surprise and warmth. "What brings you here?"

He stepped inside closer, his dark eyes sweeping over the cafe's decor with a mite of enjoyment. Leaning his forearms on the counter, he exuded an effortless charm, making you feel small and timid in his presence . "I thought I'd stop by for a caffeine fix." His gaze drifts towards the chalkboard menu behind you. "A certain someone," he pauses, his eyes twinkling with mischief, "raved about this place. Naturally, I got intrigued." A wink punctuates his statement, evoking a surprised laugh from you.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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