2- The Deal

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-----------------Emily's POV--------------------


 I swapped my stuff around before making my way to the instrumental classroom. I nearly made it before I really needed to pee. I ran to the music room, threw my stuff onto a desk and sprinted in pain to the bathrooms. But of course, my luck was turned around the moment I got tripped. By fucking Sam.


I landed face first and felt a wave of pain filter through my body. I lifted myself off the floor just to be kicked back down. 
"Stay down whore" Sam said with her voice filled of disgust. 
"Fuck off Sam" I replied not letting her get to me. 
"No can do. You should be grateful. I'm making you useful". 
"Leave me alone Bitch" I stated harshly.  I tried to get up with the help of the wall, but someone swept my feet from beneath me. I landed with a loud thud. I felt something in my ankle snap, but I couldn't give them the satisfaction of my pain. I rolled my eyes and yanked one of Sam's legs making her fall down. She of course dragged her minions to the floor with her. I got up and so did Sam. She tried to punch me but I dodged and shoved her against the wall. 
"Not Today Sam" I coldly demanded. She scoffed and I walked away. 

I went into the bathroom and pulled out my pack of cigarettes. I lit one and sat on the toilet. Okay so maybe I didn't actually have to piss. I just needed a smoke. I felt my blade in my pocket. I decided against it and left it in my pocket, and I finished and went to class. I sat at the back with my Eletric guitar as per usual and class started. 

"Emily" My music teacher, Miss Dean called. 
"What" I replied rudely. I didn't mean to be rude to her I was just so focused on my thoughts. 
"Can you please perform the guitar solo for the class instead of dancing with the fairies" I rolled my eyes and went to the front with my guitar. Just as I was about to start a boy walked in. He looked around my age. 
"Ah Xander, glad you could make it" I waited very impatiently as Miss finished talking to him and told him to sit. He sat right next to my fucking seat at the back. The teacher nodded at me and I began. It was "Dangerous Women" That's what the song was called. 

(Guitar solo at the top) 

My fingers glided effortlessly across my guitar, I felt at peace when I played, and I loved it. I finished strong and received an applause from the class and Miss Dean before I returned to my seat. 
"Thank you, Emily, very well played" I nodded. After about an hour the bell rang signaling lunch. I waited for the other students to filter out of the class before starting to leave. My ankle hurt a lot but I limped my way to the door. 
"Emily, stay for a moment please" My teacher requested. I did just that, I stopped and turned around carefully. 
"I would love for you to have your own solo this performance. Meaning your guitar and your voice." I smiled slightly before covering it back up with a weak polite glare. 
"I would love that" I said before leaving for my locker. 

I opened my locker and grabbed my bag deciding I've had enough of school for today. I shut my locker to be met with the face of Xander. 
"What" I hissed.
"Jeez calm down, just wanted to say good job on the guitar. You are amazing" I rolled my eyes and started walking off. He followed me with his bag already over his shoulder. I groaned internally. Great now I have this new sidekick. Just fucking great. I left school and pulled out a cigarette, lit it and kept walking. 
"That isn't very healthy" Xander said trying to start conversation. 
"No, it is not". 
"Then why do you do it?" I turned around to face him. 
"Look you don't know shit about me so leave me to fucking ruin my lungs if I want to" I stated. 
"Alright then jeez" He raised his hands in surrender. 
"Stop following me" I demand. I keep walking and I guess he stopped following me now, so I head back to Vincent's house early to start cleaning. 

---------------Vincent's POV-----------------

Urgh. Tonight was the last time I would get to rape and torture that fucking slut. I was finally going to be living the way I want. I had a deal to sell her off to one of the downtown gangs for $1000 and 5 boxes of weed, cocaine and ecstasy. I'd say that's a perfect deal and the only thing is I have to give her to them alive. She could be nearly dead. I just have to give her somewhat breathing. I finished buying alcohol and made my way home. I parked the car and went inside. I opened a beer and started chugging it back. 

I had a few more beers before I laid down on the couch and watched the football on Tv. Fucking shitty Tv. You'll be replaced when I get my hands on that money, maybe I'll even up my price.

Tonight, will be fun. 

------------------Christopher's POV-----------------------
(Sorry for lots of POV changes) 

After getting that call from Ryan I made sure everyone was home in the lounge room ready for our family meeting. When Ryan got home, he walked in and flopped back into the armchair. Henry, Jason and Alex looked bored out of their minds. 
"What is it!!!!" Alex questioned clearly frustrated. 
"I helped this young girl this morning. She felt awfully familiar." Ryan said deep in thought. Mostly talking to himself. 
"So?" Alex continued pushing. 
"So, I think it's Emily." 
"Impossible. She has been gone for 13 years. She isn't coming back" Jason scoffed before getting up, grabbing car keys and leaving. After Amanda took Emily, we were all hurt. Jason and my father especially. My dad killed himself. He just couldn't take it. Jason struggled mentally and drank away his pain. I didn't blame him though. It really broke our family apart. 
"So, what do suggest?" I asked Ryan sternly. 
"We look into her. Run facial recognition on CTV cameras. Background check anything" He answered faithfully. 
"Ryan... what if it is her? What if she already has a good life?" Henry asked. 
"I don't know" Ryan responded. 

I was so deep in thought. What if it really is my little sister? What if she hates us? Maybe she won't want to come back? What if it isn't her and we are getting our hopes up? I really hope we find her. This family need her. Her laugh. Her smile. Her hope.

---------------------Emily's POV-------------------

I walked through the front door and quiet as I could after noticing his car in the driveway. I shut the door behind me and tip toed to my closet. I put my bag down just in time. 
"EMILYYY" Vincent yelled for me.
"Yes sir" I responded. 
"Beer now!" I did as I was told and provided his outstretched hand with another beer. He got up, towered over me and shoved me to the floor. Oh no. Firstly he is absolutely wasted and now he was already over me. He kicked me all the way down the basement causing me to roll down the stairs which granted me with a nail in the side of my hip. A tear threatened to fall but I refused to be weak. He went over to the table and grabbed the handcuffs and a sock. No No No No No NO NO NO I was screaming internally knowing what was to come.

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