Who am I? A Mage?!

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I awaken to the light sensations of swaying grass and the smell of fresh rain. I opened my eyes to see creatures cuddled up against me. I could feel its feathers buried into my core keeping me warm. I investigated. The creature has the body of a large cat and the head and wings of a barn owl. He suddenly shifted realizing I was awake. We noticed people coming in the distance. He got in defense mode and stood in front of me. Do I know this creature? I feel as though I oddly know him.

A lord, soldier, and healer approached. They looked concerned for me thinking the creature in front of me had attacked me considering I was covered in bruises and cuts. I wonder what happened to me. One of the soldiers drew their sword and the girl tried to stop him thinking it was a misunderstanding. The blue-haired soldier calmed the situation, agreeing with her. He orders his friend to drop his weapon and back up while he crouches to the ground and slowly approaches in a non-threatening way. He whispers to me. "Are you all right?" I nodded thinking I must have hit my head. He is also familiar.

I sat up and touched the back of the griffin's legs causing him to look back at me. I told him it was okay in my mind. I wasn't expecting him to answer back. I realized I was talking without making words. The griffin backed down and the soldier helped me up. "Thanks, Chrom." Everyone was surprised that I knew his name, including me. His soldier accused me of being a spy since I had never met him before. Chrom's few of me was not swayed by his secondhand man. Chrom decided it was safe to introduce them.

Lissa looked to be my age and she approached me and touched my head feeling the bump. "Ow!" She apologizes. "You've taken quite a beating. Let me heal you." She smiles at me. I feel that I can trust her so I let her examine me and patch me up, while doing so I was asked many questions that I didn't know the answer to. The only thing I could remember was my name and suddenly my pet griffin's name. "I'm Amaranth and this is Elio. I'm sorry to say I don't remember anything else."

"That's okay, I'm sure it will come back to you until then you should be taken care of. Chrom?" She looks to her big brother. "Lissa is right, what kind of shepherds would we be if we left one of our sheep alone and confused." Frederick was against it still not trusting me but he didn't have the final word. He did agree with Frederick about taking me for questioning just to be sure. Technically I'm a prisoner but I'm not treated as one. He had to respect Chrom's wishes which leaves me to believe that Chrom is higher on the food chain.

"You don't look like shepherds." I pet Elio and he purrs. He was more like a cat than he was like a bird. Frederick tries to touch him and he hisses and swipes his talon and gives him a small cut on his finger. Lissa gives some band-aids. I suppose Elio doesn't like him or he doesn't like being touched by anyone but me.

We traveled together for some bit and they educated me on what's going on in the world right now such as war and alliances. I was completely clueless about all of it. That was so much I didn't know. I sure am lucky they came by and found me. Lissa may have taken care of everything else but the bump on my head remains. Who was I before? We walked for about an hour chatting. I think to myself again testing my theory. 'Hello?'

'Who are these people?' I flinch at his response and look to his mouth to see he wasn't really speaking. This was all in my head. 'Don't worry they mean to help us. I have memory loss. Would you mind telling me what I was doing in the field?' He sighs. "Sorry, I had only just met you. I felt the need to watch over you. I'll admit I got rather attached. You were asleep for a long time.' I take my hand and ruffle his feathers on his face causing him to purr again. 'Thank you for staying with me but how did I know your name?' He said that he had told me and my mind while I was dreaming.

Lissa cut off our little moment of silence to alert us of smoke coming from the nearest town. Everyone rushed towards it trying to help, leaving us behind. Elio told me to get on his back since he was faster. I climb on and hold tight admiring his feathers. We caught up with the shepherds quickly. Barbarians carrying axes pillaged the area. It was chaos. Chrom and Frederick did most of the fighting. I appointed myself the job of rescuing townsfolk and bringing them to Lissa to be healed.

While they were being taken care of I guarded the perimeter around the area so the injured folks could relax. I was impressed by Elio's skills. He knew how to fight. He had spotted Frederick in a tough spot. The injured people were safe for now so we decided to head over and help. I jumped off of him and from a distance I could feel power in my hands. Sparks ignited and lightning shot out of my hands and stabbed through one of the larger enemies cornering him. He fell down with a giant hole plunged through his chest. Frederick was in shock. I didn't know I had that kind of power. I continued to experiment with it, injuring enemies along the way.

I never knew I could be so savage. I was killed and I felt horrible afterward. Chrom told me not to worry about it so much and to focus on the people I was saving. Once all the barbarians were defeated we helped repair the town. Frederick approached me saying he didn't know I could use magic. "Why didn't you tell us?" I shrugged my shoulders saying I didn't know and that it just happened.

Chrom was impressed and offered for me to join their group. As expected Frederick didn't like the idea. The townsfolk offered for us to stay the night since it was late but Chrom had other ideas. He wanted to get back to his people as soon as possible to tell them about the attack. Lissa wasn't happy that we would be sleeping outside. 

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