Smoke Soldiers

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Night came quickly. Lissa complained about bugs for the third time. We were all starting to get hungry so me and I were in charge of making a fire while the men went out to hunt for food. Elio went with them. I wonder... if lightning can strike a tree and catch it on fire then why can't I do the same? I decided to give it a try. My first attempt blew up in my face and made my hair stick up. Lissa found it entertaining. I got it on my second try. Finally.

We waited a long time and the boys finally got back. They killed a bear and now we were roasting it on the fire. Lissa found it disgusting but my stomach didn't care. I ate my share and then a little bit more. Elio cuddled up to me and we went to sleep. I was exhausted. Using magic must have taken a lot out of me.

Elio woke me during the night and we noticed Chrom and Lissa were gone. We tried to wake Frederick and he must have been dreaming because he punched me in the face. Elio placed his talents on his chest. 'Im okay Elio, really I'm fine. It was an accident.' He releases him and Frederick sits up. "Chrom and Lissa are gone. Should we look for them? Do you think something happened?" He got up and looked around. "Something must have been wrong. They wouldn't have left for no reason. According to their footprints, they didn't struggle."

The ground started to shake and crack open. "We should find them!" Me and Frederick get on Elio's back. I have never flown with him before but I trusted him. He flew us out of there and we followed the footprints or what was left of them. We avoided the fireballs like it was the plague. The sky was crimson red burning up the air. A giant eyeball opened in the sky and dropped dark soldiers. What sorcery is this?

We catch up with them. Elio lands and Frederick jumps off. "Milord! Milady! Are you hurt?" They were more scared than anything. We were surrounded by smoke soldiers. I noticed that they weren't alive which made them harder to kill. Chrom had discovered that. They seem to want to kill anything in their path. We had to stop them before they reached the populated area. We were joined by an unfamiliar face. The masked boy with the same sword as Chrom stepped into help. I looked around and noticed there were two old forts that we could use for cover. I immediately alerted the group and made a plan.

Me and Elio separated, his job was to protect Lissa. I have taken out my enemies from a distance but the closer they got the more nervous I became. I would have to fight one-on-one eventually. When I started to run low on my juice I picked up a sword. It was like I had always known how to use it. It still wasn't enough. They outnumbered us. Luckily reinforcements came, an archer and a soldier on a horse welding a lance. With their help we were able to defeat all of the smoke soldiers.

We asked the mysterious stranger a lot of questions but he didn't say much; he only gave his name, Marth. "I'm not here to talk about me. This world teeters at the brink of a horrible calamity. What you saw tonight was but a prelude. You have been warned." He disappears. I could tell Lissa how to crush on him. She told me and Frederick about how he came out of nowhere and saved her. "Not much for conversation is he." Frederick says that we will probably cross paths with him again eventually.

We continue and enter their beautiful kingdom. "So Ylisstol is the capital of Ylisse? I've never seen so many people." Most of them were staring at Elio. I suppose they've never seen a griffin before. Everyone made way for the soldiers surrounding their leader. She's beautiful and she wears a marking on her forehead.

Chrom explains that her presence means peace. The people really favor her. Lissa mentions that she's also their big sister which makes her into Chrom princess and prince. That explains why Frederick would always agree to Chrom's orders. They caught me staring at her. "Would you like to meet her?" We enter her throne room and she welcomes her siblings home. They report their findings and she notices me and my unusual pet. Chrom introduces us. "She has proven herself. We were hoping she could join us." Lady Emmeryn says anyone who fights for her siblings are friends of hers.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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