{Nine} Layla

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"Here, Take this." He tossed me his leather jacket that fell right over my shoulder. I wore it on and looked in the mirror. "Damn if I knew I looked this good in a leather jacket, I would have bought one ages ago," I commented as I flexed at my reflection. Michael stopped digging through the closet and looked at me.

   "Well, you can always borrow mine."

   "Oh remember when you used to wear my jackets in school? Remember how much you loved that pink fluffy one that said Barbie on it," I chirped as my thoughts went back to our school days. I pictured little Michael wearing my pink coat as he ran around the ground happily.

   "Yeah and then my mum came and asked you to make me man up."

   His response took me by surprise. I never told Michael about that day. I remember Maria coming and telling me that her son was getting bullied because he was playing with my things. That he has only female influences and asked me to get him more boyfriends. She also told me to stop letting him use my jacket and dolls.

   The only thing I did from what she asked was try getting him to join more boys. Vander eventually ended up in our group and another boy whose name I don't remember.

   "How did you know?" I asked.

   "I figured based on how you randomly started telling me not to tell my mother that I was using your jacket and playing with your toys. Also by the fact that you tried to talk me into liking trunks and shit."

   I stayed silent and looked back in the mirror. I was about to apologize when he said, "Thank you." I looked at him. "Thank you for letting me be me." I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

   "I don't think I would have wanted you to be any other way," I whispered and squeezed him.

   Michael went back to his closet and grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of Taylor chucks. He handed them to me. "So I'm dressing up as you uh for Halloween?" I teased taking it.

   "Oh please you can never pull this off," he commented gesturing to himself which made me laugh.

   "Wanna bet?"

   "Fat hopes. Anywho I thought you can be a butch since you have such a rocking pair of denim jeans."

   "A what now?" I blinked.

   "A butch. A androgynous lesbian."

   I nodded.

   "Okay, we have the costume. Now let's leave. We don't have all day," he hurried grabbing his bag and stuffing the shoes and t-shirt in.

   "I'll need make-up," I noted.

   "Got you covered don't worry."

   "What about you? Where is your costume?"

   He looked at me as he slung the bag over his shoulders. "Uhm Murphy already has it ready." I nodded and we go tell his mum that we would be away for a while. We wore our masks and waved at her before getting into his car. Maria yelled something but she was too far away so I didn't hear her well. Before I could ask her what, she disappeared into the house. Oblivious, Michael turned on the radio before he started the car.

   It took me a moment to realize something and I turned down the volume as I spoke, "Were you making plans with Murphy?"


   "You said your costume was ready at Murphy's house. Does that mean you already had plans to go with them?" I interrogated.

   "I...I'm sorry," he said not daring to look at me. I rolled my eyes.

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