Chapter 3 - Arrival of Shourya Agnihotri

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At Pakki's House

Shakti Agnihotri : Pakki and Partha...pack your belongings . In a short while,we will go to Agnihotri Mansion .

Pakki : Uncle...can we really come with you?All our relatives have turned their back on us because of our parents debt.

Shakti Agnihotri : Don't worry Child...I am going to take care of you both as well as the debt.

Pakki : Why are you doing this Uncle? We have nothing....left to repay you.

Shakti Agnihotri : (started smiling) Don't worry child. I am not going to ask for repayment. Just...

Pakki : Just what you...need from us Uncle? If it is within my limit...I am definitely going to repay you .

Shakti Agnihotri : (held Pakki's hand) Just promise me that no matter what happens...''You are not going to leave the Agnihotri Mansion''.

Pakki was surprised by his request.Then she looked towards her brother Partha.Finally she made her decision.

Pakki : (held his hand firmly)Okay Uncle....I promise you. No matter what happens...''I am not going to leave Agnihotri Mansion''. But you also need to promise me one thing.

Shakti Agnihotri : Okay Pakki...What you want?

Pakki : (with clear voice) Please allow my brother to study Abroad. Actually it was my father's dream.

Shakti Agnihotri : Okay.I will make arrangements for your brother's education.

Pakki held Partha's hand and left with Shakti Agnihotri to his mansion.

Presently at Agnihotri Mansion

Partha : "Can we really stay here ? Noona"

Pakki : (hugged Partha) Yes Partha...we will be staying here.

Partha :(in tears)Noona...It was your dream study Abroad . Why are you sending me... Noona?

Pakki tries to hold her tears and replied calmly.

Pakki : No Partha...there was no such dream. Now it is your responsibility to fulfill father's dream. So you need study well. (Wiped Partha's tears)

(It was actually Pakki's dream to study Abroad. But her dream went down in vain along with her parents death.)

Both comforted themselves and went to sleep.

In the Morning  🌄

Pakki was still yawning and drowsy.She saw her brother sleeping soundly. So she started walking towards the door. Suddenly she stumbled to the window shade and was temporarily blinded by the hot burst of whiteness in her eyes. She squinted and then slowly opened her eyes trying to focus.

She blocked the rays of light with her hands and noticed the shadow. As her eyes adjusted to the brightness, she felt the warmth of the sun shining through the window, revealing the hues of colors, textures and patterns.She can finally witness a spectacular scenery outside the window.

After a while, She opened the door.She can hear the chatting of servants and Head maid loud voice of ordering around. Suddenly everything went quite.
So she passed towards the stairs ....only to witness all servants standing in order.

Head maid : Welcome home 'Young Master'.

Pakki wanted to see who was the young master.So she went down the stairs.

She was startled for a second.She saw a handsome young boy with sharp eyes, but he had that appearance which could make him stand out in the crowd. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face.He had a gentle appearance.

Suddenly she heard a voice.

Shakti Agnihotri: My Shourya... finally you are home.(hugged his son)

So the handsome young boy was none other than Shakti Agnihotri's only son....

" Shourya Agnihotri".

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