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Naruto blinked as what Itachi had done became clear. A double-layered illusion woven between he and Jiraiya, where they had both been trapped but Naruto had experienced a whole other reality within the briefest of seconds. He glanced to his side, where Jiraiya glanced to and fro, examining his surroundings with a frown.

"Even for you, Itachi, this jutsu is impressive. I do not think I could have escaped this had I not known you were an ally. I've never experienced anything quite like it."

"I appreciate your saying so, Jiraiya-sama. Tsukiyomi is an ability unique to my own Mangekyo evolution."

Jiraiya nodded, pursing his lips. "What do you have for me, Itachi?"

"Two things. Firstly, and most importantly, our battle begins in earnest now. This will likely be the last time we can exchange information so freely."

Naruto's mouth fell open, Itachi's previous words ringing in his ears. "You mean—"

"Yes," Itachi regarded him solemnly. "The Akatsuki have all their pieces in place for whatever final goal is being aimed towards. Orders have been issued to several of the inner circle to make their move on their main targets. The hunt for the Jinchuuriki has begun."

Blood thundered in Naruto's ears, the weight of what he was being told landing like a physical blow. He'd known for a long time this was coming, of course. He'd prepared as much as he could over the last two years to be ready for this precise thing. Panic shot through him like lightning regardless.

There was only so much you could do to stop it when being told nine shinobi of Uchiha Itachi's calibre were beginning their hunt for you.

"Who are the targets," Jiraiya asked, all business.

"It seems the hunt must happen in tail order. A team have been dispatched to capture Subaku no Gaara and Yuugito Ni. I do not know who of our number, only that it is not our leader and his partner, nor Kisame or myself."

Jiraiya nodded. "All things considered, that's probably as reassuring as things could possibly get. There are good options and bad ones still, but from what I can see, the worst is off the table. What else did you have?"

"We were followed here by a Konoha hunter squad. Four Jonin level Root members. One has the chakra of somebody I would be required to engage carefully. Deidara is under the impression we have wilfully led you here as a trap. We are to retreat upon the arrival of the interlopers and report your abilities as they currently stand to the rest of the organisation. It is...regrettably sound as a plan."

Jiraiya shrugged. "Thanks for the heads up, but I wouldn't worry too much about that. What I can do is already pretty widely known, and much of how Naruto fights could be pieced together through accounts from those that survived spectating the Chunin exams and what I'm most likely to to have taught. Either way, we'll have to flex a little muscle to leave unharmed, so there's no point in grousing about it. You've done well, Itachi."

There was a pregnant pause as Itachi stood firm in the face of what Jiraiya seemed to believe constituted a plain dismissal. "Something else?"

Itachi was silent for a moment, and suddenly his eyes closed in an expression of resignation. "Nothing, Jiraiya-sama. I am merely reaching the limits of how long I can maintain this jutsu and the time manipulation within."

"How long will it have passed for Deidara," Jiraiya asked.

"Not even a second has passed in the real world."

Naruto couldn't help but whistle appreciatively as the black and red world of the Tsukiyomi fell away, revealing the same clearing they had been in before, complete with a smirking Deidara and the ever serene Itachi.

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