When I die

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When I die will you come and visit me,
Like you always said you would?

When I die will you cry on my grave,
Your tears watering the dying flowers?

When I die will you speak at my funeral,
Telling them our adventures?

When I die will you read books at my grave,
The books you know I loved?

When I die will you sing me songs,
That I never got to hear?

When I die will you sit at my grave,
Telling me how much you miss me?

When I die will you plant new flowers,
All my favourite colours?

When I die will you care?
I really hope you will.

Because if you don't,
Don't bother coming to my grave.

Read to me,
Sing to me,
Talk to me,
Plant new flowers for me,
Visit me
Or cry.

Because even though I'm not there,
I'll still need you,
But you still won't understand that.

Updated 2/1/17

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