My real love

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I've always wondered what real love is. It's not exactly a thing you can go and look up in a dictionary or even at Google. And it isn't a thing you learn at school or with your parents. God, if I learned that from my parents then I was screwed because it would mean toxicity and pure chaos.

So all my 14 years I tried and find the meaning, with hopes to feel it one way or another. But all my 14 years resulted in me finding real love with lies. Not lies people tell, but lies my brain made me. So I can tell you that almost every day in my life was spent with me daydreaming of unrealistic situations.

But then I meet them...

Yeah I know, super cliché. But it's the truth. They made me understand that real love isn't a feeling, real love is a person and my person is them. 

It can be hard at first to acknowledge that, but that is what makes it real. If you think you can join a relationship just like that, then you are screwed. Real love is the most complex thing ever, you can fight, you can love, and you can cry but it only is real love if you solve the hard moments and turn it into a memory you can laugh about in the future.

Now, my real love is just the best person to ever be born, like they are just wow. Like ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I can try and address coherent words to them, but that's impossible. Every fucking adjective in the dictionary can't describe such beauty.

Beautiful? Yes, they are definitely beautiful but just not a beautiful person, THE and I repeat, THE most beautiful person ever. You know what, scratch that. They are the only beautiful person EVER.

Cute? Yep, definitely cute, in fact, my cutie. Everything they do is cute, the way they ramble about sharks or the way they kill me on calls with a simple stare. There are so many I could say about them being cute:

Playing with their jewelry, check
Their smile, check
Their eyes, check
Their laugh, check
Their voice, check
Their sleepy voice, check
Their obsession with older women, check and check

So yeah, I think we should from now on insert a picture of them right underneath the word cute in a dictionary. And do that for so many more words like beautiful, hot, cute, attractive, smart, funny, gorgeous, handsome, wonderful, short, AND ALSO IN THE MEANING OF THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER.

So yes, I found my real love. Was it easy? No. Was it worth it? Hell yeah, I meet my future wife, the future mom of my kids, my partner for life, the person I will seek to have a shoulder to cry on, and the person that will be on my side no matter what happens along the way because...

I love them, and that's what real love is.

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