Oh, little girl...

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Oh, little girl, why don't you talk?

Only replying with yes or no as if this was a game. Just existing on a chair on the table, looking at your family and faking a smile.

Oh, little girl, why don't you eat?

There's plenty of food on the table and you like it. So why don't you eat if you are starving?

Oh, little girl, why don't you laugh?

The jokes may be average, but they are funny and you know it. Plus, your smile is beautiful, so why don't you show it to us?

Oh, little girl, why always checking your phone?

Your battery is low, and the time doesn't change after 5 seconds of you checking it. So why do you always turn it on?

Oh, little girl, why are you always zoning out?

What's on that head of yours of so important? Your whole family is here, there's no reason to be in your world.

Oh, little girl, you aren't that little anymore, are you?

When once there was an innocent and talkative girl, who used to see the best of everyone and everything, there is now a grown-up girl, who isn't that innocent anymore.

This little girl used to be Kika, but now she doesn't know her name, doesn't know her identity, doesn't know anything.

All this little girl knows is that she's not that little anymore...

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