I write

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I write.

"Why?" You ask.

"I've got so much to say," I reply.

I write.

I'm like any other human being. I am alive, I breathe, I eat, I cry- a lot- and I laugh -sometimes. But then there's that thing at the end of the day that makes me feel special,...

...I write.

I love to tell stories and create fictional worlds. But it's not just any fairytale where the prince saves the princess from the witch. It's more like those where the princess falls in love with the witch.

I write.

It's not just words in a paper and it's not just another fictional story. It's a life full of stories and a paragraph full of honesty.

I write, and I'll continue to do so, even when the Sun loses its brightness, Jupiter loses its rings, and I lose my words.

I write.

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