Meeting with an old friend

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You open your eyes, but everything still looks dark. You can't feel anything other than the dull throbbing in your head. Everything feels numb and everything is dark. You attempt to stand, only to find you can't move your body at all, you can only move your eyes to look around.
"Hello?" A voice says in the darkness
You can only stare up in silence, unable to speak.
"Hellloooo? Are you there, Y/N?" The voice continues
You feel your body run cold for a second
"I know you're here, Y/N. You can't hide." The voice says, their voice raising into a falsely sweet tone.
You then hear another noise, something that sounds like.. pounding? You begin to feel something on your body again, but just barely.
"No, Y/N, don't leave yet, we have to talk." The voice says, seeming a bit frantic.
The voice seems to disappear as the banging sound grows louder and more clear. You begin to feel your body again.
You close your eyes for a second, resting them to try and focus on the sound. When you open your eyes, you find yourself staring at the ceiling of Sans and Papyrus shed. You sit up, your eyes adjusting to the brightness in it. You direct your eyes to the source of the banging, finding that Papyrus is outside of the shed, putting something onto the new window. It appears a lesson was learned from last time when you tried to escape: "don't block it from the inside". You stand up, stretching a bit. You can no longer feel the throbbing in your head. You walk over to the door of the shed, peeking through the slot. You see snow, trees, and a few monsters walking around. You walk to the window, sitting underneath of it. The hammering stops and the crunching of footsteps can be heard along with a door opening and closing. You stand up to look out of the window, now seeing that it's completely sealed shut.
"Guess I'm not getting out of here any time soon again.." You say, seeming a bit disappointed at the fact.
You sit back down, not knowing what else to do. You then remember that you put items in your inventory. You open up your inventory and sure enough, your items are somehow still there. You take the glass shard out of your inventory, handling it gently so as to not get cut. You put it back into your inventory, standing up and walking to the door. You take the glass shard back out of your inventory and hold it up to the keyhole of the door. You shove the glass into the lock, somehow managing to jam it and open it. You swiftly open the door and take the glass out of the keyhole, running into the forest once more. You run fast and far, the only sound being your breathing and your footsteps as you run through the snow. After a bit of running, you get to a clearing in the middle of the woods.
"This is.. odd.." You said out loud to yourself
In the middle of the clearing, there is a rock. You decide to go over to it and sit on it. Before you can sit on it though, you see a small hole in front of the rock. You crouch down and look into the hole. Before you know it, there's a yellow flower shooting up from it. You reflexively flinch away, looking at the flower.
"Howdy, Y/N! It's me, Flowey! Your best friend!" Flowey sticks out his tongue and winks (his sprite when he introduces you to the "friendliness pellets")
"Oh, hey Flowey." You reply to his introduction.
"I'm so happy you're finally out of that shed. It feels like it's been aaaaaggggeeeess since I've seen you, Y/N! Last time I saw you, you had just cleared out the RUINS!" Flowey exclaimed
"Yeah, I know, Flowey. It has indeed been a bit since I've seen you. Those damn skeletons put me in that stupid shed and never let me out." You say, a bit of annoyance in your tone.
"I know, I know.. but, now that you're here, I have a bit of a favor to ask of you, Y/N." Flowey said, his tone becoming a bit more serious.
"Tell me what it is, Flowey. I'm here for ya." You say, seeming a bit excited as to what he will request of you.
"I need you to get something off of Alphys for me."
"Alphys? Oh.. uh.." You sounded hesitant, knowing that going to Hotland would be a bit risky, especially considering that you're basically a criminal.
"I don't need anything big. All I need is a type of key from her lab." Flowey said, noticing your hesitation.
"I dunno.. I can try though. I might have to take the back ways in order to not get found by anyone.." You say, still being hesitant.
"Aww, come on, that's not the Y/N I know! Come on, Y/N, tell me what you're doing and say it with confidence!" The little flower said, seeming enthusiastic.
"I'm going to go to Hotland, get into Alphys lab and steal a key!" You say with a bit of energy.
"Yeah! Now go and steal a key from Lisa Simpson!" Flowey said.
"Alright. I'm off then." You say, standing up and looking around for any signs of another person.
"Bye, Y/N! See you reeeeaaal soon!" Flowey waves a vine in a goodbye gesture and retreats back into the hole he popped out of.
This, started the long journey to Hotland through the back paths.
Heya there guys! Sorry that this part isn't as long as the other part, I'm making space for when I write about you guys going through the (now basically abandoned) back roads of the UNDERGROUND. Hope y'all enjoy this! And, another note, I don't think I'll write any ✨romance✨ or SMUT. Not what I usually do. Anyway, enjoyyyy!!!!

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