Dreaming or Prediction?

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You open your eyes, only to find, you aren't anywhere. You're not in the cave, you're not on the surface world. Hell, you aren't even on the ground. You stand up, of you can even call it that, in the inky abyss. You look around, not seeing anything. There's no light, no objects, no people. You walk around in this inky darkness, trying to search for anything. Light, a building, an object, another person.. but you don't find one. You sit down, your body feeling all too light for you to be in Earth's gravity. It feels like you're floating through the empty nothingness. You stand up once more, turning to look behind you. You spot a door, that sure wasn't there before. You walk to it, taking note of the wreath on it. You open it, only to find yourself suddenly in a house. It looked like it had been home to a researcher or something, because there were papers, books, pens and pencils, and folders strewn about the familiar looking room. It looked so familiar, yet you couldn't place your finger on what it looked similar to or who lived in it. You step through the doorway, the door closing shut behind you on its own and then disappearing. Now you'd have to explore this place, no turning back now. You walk forward, peeking into the kitchen. There was a stove, a fridge, and for whatever reason, a very tall sink. Whoever's house it is must've found a way to make their sink bigger. You try to open the door under the sink, but it stays firmly in place, locked. You walk out of the kitchen, wanting to find out more about this place you're in. Next to the kitchen, you see a sock with a string of notes attached to it. You go over to read them, but they're unreadable, the text smudged and blurred to incomprehensive gibberish. You look around, taking in the cozy enough looking surroundings. You look at the papers around the room, picking one up. You can only make out a word or two on it. You make you the words: “Stuck.” And “Forget.” Huh… odd… You place the paper on the table nearby, walking up the stairs and to two doors. One door is decorated but the other isn't. Everything about them seems so familiar, yet you still can't remember. You approach the first door, the door that has all the decorations on it. You gently place a hand on the doorknob and turn it, pushing it open. On the other side, you see the front of Toriel's house. You, now very confused, close the door and go swiftly to the other one, opening it quickly. Surprisingly, it's just the front door to this house. You look behind you, seeing that the front door is still closed. You close the door again, returning back to the other door and opening it, stepping inside and closing the door behind you. The door disappears, leaving you in front of Toriel's house in the RUINS. You take a deep breath and enter the doorway to her house. The lights are dim and you can make out the faint scent of butterscotch cinnamon pie. You go to the left of the doorway to see if you can find Toriel. She isn't there though, much to your sadness. You check the kitchen, seeing a butterscotch cinnamon pie with a slice taken out of it. You walk out of the kitchen and back into the hallway, going to check the bedrooms. You're surprised when you see all of the doors already open, leading to their respective rooms. You check the room Toriel gave you when you first entered the RUINS, but there's nothing of interest in there. You check Toriel's room, but it's just the same. You go to the door at the end of the hall, seeing that it's still closed as usual. You place a hand on the doorknob and turn it, attempting to push it open. You try all you want, but you fail, walking back down the hallway and down the stairs leading underneath of Toriel's house. You go to the end of the hall, seeing the door open with dust scattered around the room. You sprint to the end of the longer hallway, only to see Flowey at the end of the hallway.
“Howdy, Y/N! You sleeping well?” He says, his usual chipper voice echoing in your mind. You cover your ears for a second, pained by the sudden noise that occurred.
“How are you here? Where am I?” You want to ask, but no sound comes out.
Flowey, already knowing what you said, responds.
“Why, you're currently in a meeting spot! I made this place to chat with you for a bit! You see, when you gave me that key, I failed to ask what you planned on doing with Alphys, and the question has been gnawing at my petals ever since! So, what DO you plan on doing with her?” Flowey asks.
You only shrug in response, not knowing what you'll actually do with her. You do have a bad feeling in your soul, however. Telling you that something bad is going to happen.
“Hm, what a shame. Well, thank you for your time, Y/N!” Flowey says, disappearing under the ground. The room starts to get lighter and lighter, until you start to feel the coldness of your surroundings, hear the dripping of the cave. You open your eyes, now back in the cave. You look over to where Alphys should have been, only to see she isn't there, a bunch of holes and vine remnants where she once was.
“Well shit, that's not good.” You say, standing up and walking out of the cave, but you don't see any footprints leading away from the cave. That's when you realize it, you look back in the cave, at the holes, and at the vine remnants, there being more vines than there were before. You put two and two together, and realize the reason behind your strange dream and the disappearance of Alphys.
“Damn you, Flowey…” You mumble, feeling the nervousness build up inside of you.

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