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               (Y'all, if things don't
                make sense, skip to
                 the end of this lol)

You sprint out of the cave, trying to look for any traces of where you think Flowey might've taken Alphys. Why were you even caring about her to begin with? Wasn't she just a liability for you? You couldn't explain why, but you just had a bad feeling that something very, VERY bad would happen if you didn't find Alphys. You weren't fond of her but you didn't exactly want her dead either. You continue to sprint, reaching the back road tunnel entrance to Waterfall. You swiftly clear it and it's puzzles, but are blocked by a monster, a Moldsmal to be exact. You were filled with such nervousness and fear that out of instinct, you hit it with your glass shard, killing it in only a single hit, the dust spreading around to the main path of Waterfall. You didn't care though, you just wanted to find Alphys. If you were lucky, you finding her before anything bad happened might mean you're spared the absolute wrath of the others. You continue to sprint to the tunnel, only to see that the tunnel is blocked once more, a note placed on the blockade. It reads: “Nice try, punk.” You, being overcome with nervousness and stress, fall to your knees with your fists clenched. In your weakness, you feel like you start to hear a voice. It's faint, but it seems to be asking you- no, telling you something.
“Let me take over, Y/N… We'll get past it.” The voice says, barely audible.
You must've agreed in your mind, because the next thing you know, you can feel your body rising but stinging and aching all at the same time. Everything hurts, your limbs sting, your head is pounding, you know you aren't in control anymore. You close your eyes, and next thing you know, the barrier is gone, but in place of where it once was, bloody scratch and fist marks are there. You look at your hands, covered in blood. They're oozing out the thick red liquid. You look at your HP, and it's only at 7 out of 20 despite it being full recently. You manage to stand, your head still pounding. You go through the tunnel that goes into Hotland, your muscles still aching and your hands burning, but you continue forward, never stopping to look behind you, never realizing the shadow growing ever closer to you. You make it to the front of Alphys lab, running inside. It looks the same, only the puddles are gone. You look around for someone, something, anything, but nothing… You go underneath the Lab, finding that part of the elevator door has been blocked. You crawl through a small gap in the partial barricade, looking on the other side of the Hallway. You see a vine and a yellow tail disappearing behind the doorway. You sprint down the hallway, and into the next room, but see nobody. You continue to run through the lab, trying to find someone, anyone, Alphys, Flowey, hell, you'd even take Undyne or something as long as it meant you saw someone. You sprinted into the room with all the golden flowers, and you see Alphys, along with Flowey, holding Alphys hostage. You walk up to the both of them, seeing Alphys holding a small syringe, as well as a small key.
“What are those for?” You ask, startling both Flowey and Alphys.
“They key is for the soul capsules and the syringe is pure determination.” Flowey responds before Alphys even gets the chance to.
“What's the determination for..?” You ask cautiously.
“Why, you haven't forgotten, have you?” Flowey asks.
“Please, remind me.” You ask, now a bit nervous.
“Why, for you of course! You think I'd fight the king on my own? Sure, I could do that, but I must reserve my energy! Can have any risks! So, you'll do the fighting for me.” Flowey says, his tone full of malicious intent, his smile sinister as he grabs you by the waist and hoists you up into the air with a vine, bringing the syringe close to your neck.
The thorns dig into you, you squirm, trying to get out, you feel yourself slipping away, things blurring and your body going numb with the same pain from earlier. You feel a syringe in your neck, which only worsens the pain around your entire body. You, overcome with all of it, let out the most animalistic scream you've ever heard yourself do as you black out, unable to see, hear, or feel anything again. You're back in the black, empty space. Your head and body hurt, but less. You can feel tingling all around your body, almost like you're in a battle or hitting something. Your SOUL is beating so fast, you feel so dizzy. You want to move, you want to lay down, you want to do something, yet you can't. You stay standing, more like floating, in the empty nothingness. You feel tears streaming down your face, yet when you touch your face, you can't feel anything. You begin to see parts of the lab again, almost as if you're looking through another person's point of view in the blank void. You see blood, dust, and Flowey, the vine that was once holding you now shriveled on the ground from being cut. Flowey looks like he's shivering, absolutely terrified. He seems to be trying to load his own SAVE file, but whatever is in your body worn allow it. The DETERMINATION in your body is far greater than Floweys. You feel a searing pain in your head as a blinding light fills your vision, now being back in your own body. Everything hurts, you're on your knees, full on breaking down sobbing for whatever reason. Flowey is still cowering in the corner, away from you. He won't even look at you, terrified. You stand up, still sobbing. You don't feel in control fully, but you are conscious. You can feel the beating of your SOUL, the pain in your body, the energy flowing through you. The extra dose of DETERMINATION in your SOUL must have really impacted you, because you know this isn't normal. Maybe you're having an adrenaline rush? Maybe it was something else, not determination. But it has to have been, because you can literally see your SOUL glow in your chest, something it usually wouldn't do. It hurts so much.
“H…Help me… please…” You say, your words coming out raspy and pained. It feels like you have lots of adrenaline in you, but if it was replaced with pain. It hurts, so, so much.
Flowey looks at you, immediately grabbing you and the syringe, pinning you down to the ground while aiming the syringe at your soul. You can see your HP bar depleting…
It goes.
Flowey plunges the Syringe into where your soul is.
-4 HP.
Your body feels cold, numb, tired.
You close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable.
You feel energy being pulled out, but you're still exhausted…
You feel nothing, hear nothing, see nothing, think nothing, you aren't alive anymore, you just simply are existing, not alive, just existing.
“Wake up… It's all just a bad dream…” You hear a voice in the darkness. The voice is oddly calming, familiar, yet eerie.
You decide, enough is enough for now, and stay where you are, resting, if you can even call it that where you are. It doesn't hurt anymore, it just simply feels numb, cold. You feel nothing, not an ounce of sadness, anger, guilt, joy, nothing. You close your eyes again, and drift away, knowing things will be back to some sense of normalcy soon.
Sorry if none of this make sense, I'm on a allergy pill rn when I finished this and I'm tired but I reaaaaally wanted to finish this. I think I'ma make some stuff make sense but not rn, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep now, goodnight, my stars!

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