Percy loves Grover

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Sarah, me, Annabeth, and the Camp's most gifted people are on a circle. Waiting for Percy to pick two of us to go on a quest. Im praying he chooses me. This is the quest i've been waiting for.

According to what i heard, he got a prophecy that someone will betrays him. I hope it's me. I hate him.

Quiron and Mr.D are standing by his side. Every once in a while Mr.D smiles at me, but its obvious he dosen't wanna be here.

"Okay, must choose two of our best to go on the quest whit you."-Chiron proclaims, looking slightly scared for our faits.

Percy stares at us all for a while, studying us methodicly.

"Her. I choose her."- he points at me.


"She would never be my friend she hates me."- he looks proud of this tought. Noé i kinda hope it isn't me.

"Okay, Marina, you can join him. Now, one more person."- Chiron sighs. I know he didn't want me to be choosen for my own sake.

"Grover. Im taking Grover."-Percy says whit a smile.

Chiron proceeds to try and tell him he can't, but Percy is way to deep on the idea. I don't care, he choose me. Im finally gonna prove my worth.

Whitout puting much tought into it, i hug Mr.D as tight as i can. He looks extremely shocked for a seconds, but then hugs me back, much more softer too.

"Congratulations Marina."-he whispers. I like Mr.D

"Thanks bro."- i let go off him, and run off to tell Ethan and the others, just on time to hear Dionysus curse out the fact i called him bro.

A few minutes later, my circle is complete. Chris, Clarisse, Ethan, Silena, Annabeth and Charles are listening to me yapping about the mission, all whit smiles on their faces.

"Well, your gonna need weapons Marina."- Charles says after a while.

"And books."-adds Annabeth.

"And your gonna need to fight monsters."- Clarisse smirks.

"And you need to send us emails."- Of course it had to be the kid of Hermes saying that.

Ethan stays silent. He looks sad. What a little cunt.

After a while, they leave, and my bed is covered by a retractible sword that Charles made, a couple books that Annabeth already read, a few envelops from Chris, a bandana from Clarisse and a Snickers bar from Ethan, who didn't wanna feel left out.

Pretty usefull stuff if you ask me. I fucking love my friends.

And i don't Percy anymore. I mean, im still jealous of that blondie, but i don't hate him as much. I don't know why tought.

Im getting ready for a good night off sleep, when there's a knock at the door. Who the fuck is knocking at my door at such ungodly hours?


"Ethan what have i said abou-"

I don't even get to finish my sentence, as he pulls me in for a kiss. A very soft one, straight on my lips. My first kiss. Whit my best friend.

A few seconds later, he pulls away from me, looking a little scared.

"Hey Marina."-he mumbles, looking down.

I wish i could say i wasn't blushing, or looking like a idiot by was. I tried talk, but only gibberish left my mouth. I was so goddam surprised by this idiot, that i just didn't know what to say. Or do. I was like my sister, a tree whit no reaction.

"What in the Godly name of Zeus..."-i finally manage to say. WHAT THE FUCK!!?? WHY DID I SAY THIS? DO I EAT GRASS? THE HELL??

Ethan looks at me and then runs away. Great. I was able to scare my friend whit my dumbass awnser. Why was i not aborted?? 

I went back inside, to the dark room. I hated the fact that i was always alone there. What did i do to deserve this? Percy is also alone. In the Poseidon cabin, a few feet away from him. If i look throught the bathroom window i  might even see him. Who knows?

I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.
Tomorrow, the quest whit Percy and goat-boy starts.

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